white out kiss

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Dark Heart, and Dark Artist were conering Cat Noir at all sides. So, Cat noir decided to target their weapons at Cat Blanc instead.

"What are you going to do now, Black cat? You are surrounded from all sides, and theirs no way out. Unless, you give up your Miraculous and I might change my mind of not killing you." Says Cat Blanc.

"Ohh, we'll see about that!!!" Says Cat Noir.

Cat Noir than jumps behind Cat Blanc, and Dark Heart and Dark Artist both charge straight at them.

"Dark Heart, and Dark Artist, are you crazy?! I'm on your side, so get a grip and carry out my order and dispose of that Black cat." Says Cat Blanc.

"We'er sorry boss, we didn't see you." Says Dark Heart and Dark Artist.

While Cat Blanc was dealing with his henchmen,  Cat Noir went by Marinette and ask her if she was OK.

"You stupid cat!!! How dare you not call me, when you got in Paris?!!" Says Marinette.

"Well, I'm sorry Marinette. When I arrived in Paris I saw that Cat Blanc propose to you. And I new that their was going to be a wedding sooner or later. So I had to hide, until the wedding started. And besides, did you see how many people got Akumatized in Paris." Says Cat Noir.

Marinette knew that Cat Noir was actually Felix. Felix is Adrien's cousin.

After the whole misunderstanding with Cat Blanc, Dark Heart and Dark Artist both surrounded Marinette and Cat Noir  again.

"Now, straight from the top. Noone dares touch my Marinette. Or you'll be turn to dust." Says Cat Blanc.

So, the battle started like Cat Noir kept Marinette save while Dark Heart and Dark Artist use their powers against them.

Marinette saw an opening, so she uses her yoyo in secret. But, only Cat Noir saw her yoyo and not Blanc and the others.

The yoyo destroyed the Akumatized object, and before the Akuma got away Blue Boney pop out from a hole and captured the Akuma in a jar. Until, Marinette gets back her miraculous.

Blue Bunny looks like this...

Blue Bunny looks like this

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"Hay, guys!! Did I miss anything? I'm sorry I'm late, but I couldn't find the right time to show up and save the day." Says Blue Bunny.

"No, your timing is impeccable. And you didn't miss much. Unless you count , hitting Cat Blanc.

While Cat Noir was talking to Blue Bunny. Marinette went over to Kim and Nathaniel to see if they were OK.

"Kim! Nathaniel,  are you guys ok?" Says Marinette.

"Yes, we're fine. Marinette,  you don't need to worry. But, how did we get here?" Says Kim.

"Well, it thanks to Cat Blanc that you guys got Akumatized." Says Marinette.

"But, isn't Cat Noir right over there?" Says Nathaniel.

"Well, Nathaniel. It's a long story,  but long story short. That really is Cat Noir but, he isn't from Paris. He from somewhere different. And Cat Blanc is Paris Cat Noir." Says Marinette.

While Marinette was distracted,  Cat Blanc went behind Marinette and gave her a surprise kiss. Which, that kiss still counted as a wedding kiss. Symbolizing that him and Marinette are indeed married.

The kiss looked like this...

Imagine that Marinette is wearing a wedding dress

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Imagine that Marinette is wearing a wedding dress.

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"Hay, white Cat! Don't touch Marinette,  she's one smart cookie and she'll burn you to a crisp." Says Cat Noir.

After the kiss, Marinette push Cat Blanc out to the side and kicked him were the sun doesn't shine.

Marinette ran towards Cat Noir and fainted. But, Cat Noir caught her in his arms.

"Blue Bunny, it's time for us to leave." Says Cat Noir.

"You got it boss." Says Blue Bunny making a hole in the ground.

"You can't escape,Marinette. Know matter where you go, I'll always find you. And when I get a hold of you, I'm not letting you go no matter what." Says Cat Blanc.

After Marinette,  Cat Noir, and Blue Bunny left. Cat Blanc decided that he has to go to plan B. Which, is to find Lila and force her to get Marinette back to him nomatter the cost.

After the teleprotation hole, Cat Noir and Blue Bunny de - transformed. And took Marinette unto a train leaving Paris in hopes that one day , Marinette can find her miraculous and defeat Cat Blanc.

Inside the train, Felix layed Marinette on a seat next to him. And they both fall asleep in an instant.

The look like this...

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Alix was wondering how is Marinette going to react that she married Cat Blanc by a forced kiss. And as to why she's on a train moving from Paris.

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