Wake Up Call

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After Pollen explain the whole situation with Cat Noir being Akumatized. Than Wayze - Nino's kwami turned on the TV.

On the TV, was a live broadcast of Mr. Bourgeois being beaten and whip. On hearing this news, Chloé woke up with a start.

"That's my Father! What's he doing their? He should be in the Mayor's office. And not publicly displayed on national TV." Says Chloé.

At the TV station...

Mr. Bourgeois was screaming for his life. He wasn't going to reveal his daughter's location. Even if he dies, he would know that his daughter would be save.

"So, Mr. Bourgeois! What's your answer? Are you going to reveal the whereabouts of your daughter and her friends or are you going to seek pain?" Says Cat Blanc.

Cat Blanc henchmen begain beating and whipping him. Until he turns black and blue.

"Well, this is getting us nowhere. So, men! Go and dragg Mr. Bourgeois to the Paris prison. And, maybe in their he'll loosen up and tell us where his precious daughter is." Says Cat Blanc.

"This is what you'll get Paris if you cross me!!!" Says Cat Blanc.

The TV station went offline after Cat Blanc pull the cable.

"What are we going to do? My Father is now in prison due to my mistake. I was suppose to protect my dad while my mom is out of Paris doing her fashion job. Master Fu, is their a way to breat into prison without being noticed?" Says Chloé.

"Don't you worry, Chloé! You and the others will find a way to save your father. But, are you sure Chloé. You want to go, even though you just recovered. You aren't even heal yet." Says Master Fu.

"Master Fu, I can handle the pressure. And besides, I got my friends to help me. I'm sure that my father can handle the pain. He's a tough man. I mean, how else was he able to win my Mother's heart." Says Chloé.

"OK, Chloé! You win, I can see now. That you got your Mother's high strong spirit. But, be careful. I can send you help on the way." Says Master Fu.

"Who is this person?" Says Chloé.

"His name is Max. I believe you know him, to be quite an experience engineer of some sort." Says Master Fu.

"You mean, the famous programmer." Says Chloé.

"Yes, but he's also really good at computers." Says Master Fu.

After the discussion, Chloé, Alya, and Nino. All went straight to the prison to save Chloes father.

In front of the prison...

Max was waiting for them in a gray truck. Located near the prison back gate.

"It took you guys long enough. Well, put these on and you'll get full access to the main base of the prison. But, my advice is to not transform. Unless, you have no choice or you are up to a situation where their is noway out." Says Max.

"OK, Max! We got the info. So, let's get this party started." Says Chloé.

Chloé, Alya, and Nino all went their separate ways. They each took a big section and started to cause trouble.

Alya used her comepack meor,while Nino used his Shield to hit the fire alarm .

Chloé than made her way, to the holding cell. Where her father was being kept.

"Father, their you are! Are you OK? How can you be so careless? What will Morher think of your resent behavior of handling the situation in Paris." Says Chloé.

"My dear Chloé, I have made a grave mistake. Can you forgive your dear father? But, Chloé I'd no choice but to listen to Cat Blanc terms. No, go now! Before the guards find you." Says Mr. Bourgeois.

"Who's Says I'm leaving here empty handed?" Says Chloé.

Chloé gave her father no time to answer. So, she broke the cell with her venom comb.

Chloé and her father made it too where Alya and Nino were fighting the guards.

"The prisoner is escaping! All guards come and stop them." Says the guards.

"Max, we could use your help right now!!" Says Nino.

"I'm on it!!!" Says Max.

Max used his lucky horseshoe, to open a portal to inside the truck.

After everyone made it inside the truck. Max pulled all the stops to escape the prison. But, before they made it to the city entrance their was Cat Blanc in their way.

"Chloé, where are you going? Are you crazy to fight Blanc on your own?" Says Alya.

"No, I'm not crazy!! You, don't know what it means to fight your closest family friend. I'll do my best to defeat Blanc. If I don't make it back, promise me Alya that you'll protect my father." Says Chloé.

"Yes, I promise." Says Alya.

"That's good to know. I have at least someone to protect my father. Until my mother gets back to Paris. Well, Pollen! Stripes on!!" Says Chloé.

Chloé than transforms into Queen Bee and off she went to vears her childhood best friend.

"What are you doing, Chloé? Do you want another heartbreak? Cause, I'm more than welcome to give it back to you double amount the pain I felt. When my wife abandoned me." Says Cat Blanc.

"She didn't abandoned you, Chat! She's going to come back to Paris and brat your but in two. And you won't see it coming." Says Queen Bee.

"Your right, Bee! When she does show up, she'll get a surprise waiting for her." Says Cat Blanc.

"What type of surprise?" Says Queen Bee.

"Well, my ex - girlfriend. It's you, and a little of me when am myself and not this white monster." Says Cat Blanc knocking Queen Bee out cold.

Cat Blanc took the un - transform Chloé to his father's mansion. And their he waited for the news of his wife's return to Paris.

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