England Hideaway

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The next morning, Marinette,  Felix, and Alix decided to think of a plan to defeat Blanc. But, they couldn't go back to Paris just yet. They need to find someone who knows Blanc inside and out.

Felix and Alix were arguing of who to see that could help them with their quest. Until, Marinette intervene.

"Can you two please stop arguing. I may know of a guy who knows Blanc. But, he isn't the type to work with others." Says Marinette.

"Well, who is this guy? Can he help us?" Says Felix.

"Yes, he will be of help. His name is Luka Couffaine. You may know him, as a famous musician. Who is currently on a music tour in England. But, him and his wife had some differences. And now his wife doesn't want to talk to him." Says Marinette.

"So, this music guy. Will help us defeat Blanc. And were in England could he be?" Says Alix.

"Well, my best bet. Is that he's staying at a hotel near the concert stage. But, first things first- we need to find Luka. He's the only one who knows Cat Noir. Before he ever got his miraculous." Says Marinette.

Alix was all in the idea of finding Luka. But, Felix felt uncertain about Luka's knowledge of being close to Blanc. So, he doesn't trust him.

So, off the group went to find Luka. But, Marinette felt uneasy because she sense that someone was following her. And she just shrug it off for now. Cause, Luka is more important.

When they finally arrived at the hotel. They went inside and was greeted with a hotel clerk.

The hotel clerk looks like this...

The hotel clerk looks like this

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Picture by Google.

"How my I help you? Are you guys here to spend the night or a week?" Says the hotel clerk.

"We are here to see Mr. Couffaine. Is he in his room. It's very important that we see him today." Says Marinette.

"Well, yes. He should be in his room right now. Just take the elevator and take it to the top floor." Says the hotel clerk.

"Why thank you for the help. Have a nice day." Says Marinette,  Felix, and Alix.

So after the elevator ride. They arrived at the room where supposedly Luka was staying.

Marinette knock on the door.

"You, may come right in. But, I need to worn you that I'm practicing my music for my upcoming concert." Says Luka.

With that confirmation,  they step inside only to find Luka playing his guitar on his speaker.

He looks like this...

He looks like this

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