Train Disaster

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After Marinette had disappeared, Blanc was so mad that he said... "You can't hide from me! Wherever you are, I will find you!" Says Cat Blanc in a puff of rage. Destroying a couple of buildings with his Cataclysm.

Mrs. Chamack was filming the distaterous Cat Blanc. And telling the people to hide and go somewhere safe. Until, Cat Blanc caught Mrs. Chamack by the throat. Not letting her go unless she concede of telling Paris to go on a search hunt for Marinette.

After Mrs. Chamack agrees to Cat Blanc terms. Cat Blanc let her go, saying... "So consider yourself lucky you're still alive. "

Mrs. Chamack conference was televised all over Paris. Everyone was in a state of shock.

While on a train, people were wondering how to get away from Paris before Cat Blanc catches them.

About a half hour latter, Marinette awoke with a pounding headache. Due to the effort that she tried to save Cat Noir.

"Oh, your up Marinette. How did you sleep?" Says Felix.

When Marinette looked at her surroundings. She found out that she was on a moving train. Going far away from Paris.

"Oh, Felix! It's you, I thought I was hullinating of seeing Cat Noir.  Cause, that would be ridiculous. My partner Cat Noir is already Akumatized." Says Marinette.

"Well, Marinette. Your not hullinating. Because, I'm the Cat Noir from England.  Who is also your best friend and Adrien's cousin. But, don't freak out. We're on our way to England, so you can get your strength back and you can save Paris.

"Are you forgetting something,  Felix?" Says Alix.

"Ohh, that's right Alix. I forgot that your still here. Well, Marinette . Alix here saved you from Blanc." Says Felix.

"Thank you, Alix. But, I just remembered. What happened to the akumas? Did they fly away and multiple?" Says Marinette.

"No, Marinette. You don't need to worry, cause I have taken care of those akumas. They are trape in a jar, until you get back your miraculous." Says Alix.

Than the train conductor,  came onto the platform and said... "Tickets, tickets, Tickets, please. !!! Please ,take out tickets so we can run the train smoothly. "

The train conductor looks like this...

The train conductor looks like this

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Picture by character making app.

"Felix, please don't tell me you forgot our tickets during your battle with Cat Blanc." Says Alix.

"Well, Alix. Can you blame me. I'll take responsibility and pursue the task at hand." Says Felix.

"What are we going to do? The conductor will surely throw us off the train if we don't show him our tickets." Says Marinette.

When the conductor, finally arrived to Felix , Marinette and Alix. They decided to play along until they have a plan to escape.

When one of the passengers, turned on the TV. The conductor noticed the girl on the screen looked a lot like Marinette. So, he made an accusation of Marinette's facial expression. And he knew that Marinette was on the run.

"Miss!! You sure look a lot like that girl on TV. Are you perhaps, running from the law? Or from your husband?" Says the train conductor.

"You are mistaken Sir. That's my cousin. Who many people think we're twins." Says Marinette.

Alix knew that this conversation was getting them nowhere. So, she kicked the conductor in his stomach. And grabbed both Felix and Marinette's hands.

While at the back of the train. They realized, that it was a dead end. Than, they could hear the sound of footsteps coming towards them.

"Great job, Alix. You got us in trouble." Says Felix.

"How I'm I suppose to know that I should have bought extra tickets. And I had no choice but to hurt the conductor.  Causes,  I don't want Marinette to get caught." Says Alix.

"Now, guys! This isn't a place to start arguing.  We have to find a way to escape and fast." Says Marinette.

"Your right, Marinette. We're both stupid and a little stress by the fact we're fugitives of Paris. But, we're going to figure out something." Says Felix.

"Well, you better do it fast. Cause I don't think that door isn't going to hold much longer." Says Alix.

Marinette saw a couple of parachutes, and than she opened the side door.

"What are you doing, Marinette? Are you crazy!! You think, jumping out the door is are best option." Says Felix.

"Yes, it's the only way. And I don't want to wait and get captured. And have my honeymoon early with Cat Blanc. So, do you trust me?" Says Marinette.

"Yes, we trust you with our lives." Says Alix and Felix.

So  Marinette,  Alix, and Felix grabbed a parachute and off they went out of the train. Falling into the ice cold river nearby. They swam to safety,  and dried their cloths along a tree. Until they start their journey into England to find a way to save Paris from the clutches of Cat Blanc.

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