Bee Call

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When Chloé woke up, she found out that she was in a bedroom in the Agreste mansion.

"Ohh, good your up! I was hoping to have some fun this morning before I go and terrorize Paris." Says Adrien.

Chloé could tell that Adrien wasn't himself. And the Akuma was taking him over.

"By your reaction, I can tell that your surprise to see me. Aren't you Chloé?" Says Adrien.

"What do you want, Adrien? You already own Paris. So, what more do you want? I mean, if you wanted to talk . Than you should of called me. So, you didn't have to kidnap me." Says Chloé.

"Ohh, Chloé! What's the fun in that?  Ohh, and besides. I have a treat for you, but you have to give your sweet mother a call. And tell her to come to Paris." Says Adrien.

"Why would I help you? I don't want to get my friends into some sort of trouble. So, what's the surprise?" Says Chloé.

"Well, I anticipated you would say that. So, I got a plan B." Says Adrien.

"Whats plan B?" - Chloé.

"This!!!" - Adrien.

Adrien dragged Chloé by her wrist. And pulled her to the next room, where Kim was tied up in a chair.

"Oh, my gosh Kim!! What happen to you? You should of stayed home." Says Chloé.

"Well, Chloé! I went over to your hotel. And saw you weren't their. So, I decided to come and look for you. I'm sorry, that I made you worry." Says Kim.

"Ohh, Kim! I'm not worried. But, the most important thing to do is to get out of here." Says Chloé.

"That won't be possible. Cause, all your exits are all blocked. So, Chloé? Your only way out of this is to call your mother." Says Adrien.

"Fine, you win Adrien. I'll do as you say. Just , as long as you don't harm Kim." Says Chloé.

Chloé made the call to her mother. But, before she called. Let's go back ,to where we left off at Luka's hotel room.

After Alix explained the whole situation with Paris being in chaos and Cat Noir getting Akumatized. Luka, finally decided to join them to bring back the old Cat Noir.

"OK, so we settled that matter. Now, we have to go and see Chloé mother." Says Marinette.

They all packed their things, and off they went to Mrs. Bourgeois company.

When they finally arrived at the company,  they entered the main room and took the elevator to the top floor where Mrs. Bourgeois office was.

Mrs. Bourgeois was in a meeting,  so she didn't notice them coming into her office.

"OK, everyone! Now, that's what we will do for the upcoming trend this fall." Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

After the employees left the room, Mrs. Bourgeois knew that something wasn't right in Paris.

"This better be good. Or how else do you explain why your here. Your not here for a job are you? So? What brings you here to my office?" Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

Mrs. Bourgeois looks like this...

 Bourgeois looks like this

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Picture by Pinterest.

"Well, Mrs. Bourgeois! We need your help. Paris is over run by a strong Akuma. And we didn't know where to go. Cause, we left Paris without thinking of a way to get back in." Says Marinette.

"It's unacceptable! Utterly unacceptable! That Paris has to face Supervillains. But, back in my day. We only verse criminals and notorious gangs." Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

"Well, about that..." Says Marinette.

"Wait, dear! I have an important call." Says Mrs. Bourgeois taking out her phone.

"Yes, who's this? Oh, Chloé it's you. Wait, their Chloé.  Slow down,  and tell me what's happening to Paris." Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

On the phone... C - Chloé,  Mrs. B- Mrs. Bourgeois,  and A - Adrien.

"Well, Mother! I'm doing OK, so to speak.  But, you need to get to Paris right away." - C

"Did something happen to your father? Or do you need my help with your boyfriend?" - Mrs. B.

"Tell, her! That you need some advice about dating and you need to decide what to wear for your first date. And if you don't than Kim will get hurt." - A.

"OK, I understand. Don't be a pushover. I know how to talk to my mom." - C.

"Chloé,  who are you talking too?" - Mrs. B.

"Oh, it's just a friend. No, need to worry mom. So, can you come back to Paris. I need your advice with what to wear on my first date." - Chloé.

"Sure, thing Chloé! I just about finished my season meeting with the company director about next falls trends. " - Mrs. B.

"See, you soon. Oh, and don't get into trouble when I'm gone. You do know how to use your secret weapon. Do you?" - Mrs. B.

"Yes, I do mother. Now, bye and have a save plan ride. " - C.

"Their, your happy now?! Now, release me and Kim. I already did your bidding. " - C.

"Oh, Chloé! The fun has just begun." - A.

After the call ended,  Mrs. Bourgeois told the others that she's needs to get back to Paris right away.

"Don't you think,  that Chloé sounded a little worried? I mean, it's unlike her to be so uptight and secluded." Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

"Yes, I believe so. But, what if she got in trouble with Cat Blanc? We need to leave right away. If we're going to save Chloé in time." Says Marinette.

Marinette, Luka, Lila, Felix, Alix and Mrs. Bourgeois all boarded a plan straight to Paris. Hoping to drive out Cat Blanc out of hidding.

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