4: Muwìntxu

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I had noticed Jake had already left with his teacher and my teacher was approaching me.
"Come, you must first look like us to learn like us." He lead me up to the second floor of hometree and let Nìnat dress me. I was bathed and given a longer loin cloth and something akin to a bra. It had a loop around my torso and around my neck and it was plain. It covered everything so I guess since I was not yet considered an equal of the people I would dress differently.
I was lead up to the third floor where everyone was eating. Jake was already there and so was his teacher. My teacher brought me by his side and made sure it was clear that we were not equals with his body language alone. He seemed prideful and somewhat arrogant to a degree but the way he talks to friends reveals a more gentle nature.
He handed me a wrap filled with food. I asked a question in his language to try and be friendly.
"This is Teylu right?" I asked politely.
"Yes now go sit with your kind. You annoy me."
"You don't have to be so upset, you brought me here." I stood up and sat next to Jake.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey, what are you staring at?"
"Neytiri, she is my teacher." He smirked. "And you have Tsu'tey."
"Its good to finally know his name, he's not exactly the friendly type."

Tsu'tey told me to sleep in the hammock next to Jake's. I was nervous getting in because it's so high up, but I knew they wouldn't let me die... I hope.
I got in and tried to sleep. And then turned over and tried to sleep. Too much was in my head. I got out of the hammock and climbed to a branch. I didn't see anyone so I thought I might just sit. And think.
I lay back and stare at the stars and think about my new teacher. He is frightening and intimidating but I see good will in him. And then I woke up in my chamber and realized I fell asleep.
I got out to find Jake and Grace outside.
"Lahela, Jake filled me in on what happened. I think you should get some rest. They tend to wake up early for training." She warned.
"Thanks Grace, Jake."
I woke up to breakfast with Grace and the scientists. I saw everyone celebrating and listening to my story. All of them except for Norm.
I felt bad. He studied for three years and we get lucky enough to be where we are and he worked for ut and didn't see a single native that day.
"Hey Norm. Come with me."
"I'm fine Hela, go enjoy your celebration." He said grumpily.
"Come on," I coax, "let's go make a plan. I want you to meet them. You deserve to you've worked so hard for this."
"You can't force it, they choose who gets to stay not us."
"They haven't met you yet, and I think Mo'at will like you. Your formal speech patterns will get you some good standings in the clan."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
I asked Trudy to take Norm's avatar to the boarder of the clan and hide him. She told me where she put him and I went looking the next day.
I'm sure Tsu'tey was looking for me but it didn't matter.
I found him and he linked up a few minutes after.
"Oh hey."
"Hi. Sorry about the seclusion and making you wait a few days."
"No I'm just glad I'm here."
"You!" I heard a gruff voice. "Why is he here!?" I turned to find Tsu'tey standing over me with a pa'li in tow.
"Norm, Tsu'tey. Tsu'tey, Norm. He is my friend and he worked very hard to be here to learn and help your people." I explained.
"Hello" Norm said timidly.
"Help! All your people do is kill! You are a sickness wherever you go!" He hissed.
"C'mon Norm. Let's go. I will take you to Tsahik Mo'at."
"A-already? I just got here!" Norm said.
"Where are you going! You cannot leave." Tsu'tey growled.
"I'm going and you will not stop me." I hiss back.
Norm and I march into Hometree and I request to meet with Mo'at.
She comes forward and greets Norm and I.
"You've brought a friend I see. I know your question and my answer is yes he may stay. To observe. He will not learn like Jake and You. His cup is too full he must let go of his sky people ways to follow a new path." She spoke.
"Thank you Tsahik." Norm said thankfully. He was beaming with happiness and light. I smile and let him go wandering and return to my teachers side.
"You will not disobey me again now come. If you are to be one of the people you must become a hunter." He lead me to a range for archery. The wind was minimal and there were children lined up to learn too. I had a bad feeling.
"Is there a right handed bow?"
"Yes." He handed me the right handed bow and told me to try firing an arrow. I had taken archery as an elective and I was in the archery club. I'm good but I'm not the best and it has been years.
Left foot in front, facing the side, turn extend arm but don't over extend, knock your arrow, elbow level, and pull back to the corner of the mouth and release.
It hit too high the outside of the target. One of the kids turned and laughed. I smiled at them as they all began laughing.
"Go easy on me little ones, it's been a long time since I've used a bow." I said. Tsu'tey made an annoyed noise and told me to go again.

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