2-4: Mehutral

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When I had returned to The Tree of Souls, I had found the people beginning to pack away their things. My student's(Who were still dressed like most avatars.) followed me here as I instructed them to. I ordered them to help where ever they could. 

"Tsu'tey, what's going on?" I asked the tired man.

"The clan is moving, I have chosen a new home for the people. I saw it myself and I believe it is the best choice." he spoke confidently. He seemed happy and relieved. Of course, we both knew there was more to be done.

The new kelutral was two huge trees intertwined so it was called mehutral. The inside was unique as the base was much wider than most, and the spiral for traveling through the tree had two spirals interlocked with one another, briefly diverging and crossing paths as it grew. Mehutral split at the top into two main branches which split of into many separate branches. It was quite the interesting phenomenon. 

It had taken little more than a few days to move the whole clan, but we were all settling in. Mo'at and the lore keepers were setting up their totems and relics, as Mo'at went to find the sacred tree's nearby. She had told me to follow her. 

"Here is where you and Tsu'tey will come after your ceremony to become one as all mated pairs do." she said. The beautiful pink and purple tendrils glowed, "I know things will be better for you two but I see much hardship coming his way. He will need you when they do." I nodded in response.  

Our lesson began with meditation and a lecture about listening to the world around you. I got it I think, but I know I have much to learn and teach. 


I helped with putting up hammocks, and making new totems. I told my students to guide the children to their care takers and set up stables for the pa'li. We were all doing our part. Saeyla gave me little trouble.

The people were satisfied with their new home but many of those who had fought in the war still felt bitter towards the avatars, me, Norm, my students, Jake. They only ever expressed this to Norm and my students. Saeyla was teaching Norm one day and he got on her nerves and just started yelling at him. 

"Oiss! Nga ayhetuwong fpeykìl tsayun 'ayì'awn fitsenge!" She was just going off, "Skawng nga!"

"Saeyla, be patient. Go take a break. Norm, go take a breather, she's just bitter." I assure him. I follow Saeyla until we're next to the pa'li stables.

"Saeyla, why did you shout at your student?"

"Why should I explain myself, you seem to know exactly why." she said while turning away. 

"I want to hear it from you. Saeyla, you're my friend. At least, I want us to be, and you don't have to be afraid to tell me." I grabbed her hand. she slowly turned my way with a vulnerable look in her eyes.

"When did you know you loved someone?" 

I was taken aback by her question.

"Saeyla, do... do you like Norm?" I hesitated to ask.

"I do, but I also love Ka'ani. Only one ever returns their affections, and I'm feeling so confused." she steadied her hands from her outburst earlier. I pulled her into a much needed hug.

"I knew I loved Tsu'tey when he showed tenderness to me. To be vulnerable before someone is trust." I pulled away from my friend.

"Thank you Heyla." she walked into mehutral with her tail drooping. I know she'll talk with Mo'at. Trudy isn't going to like that Saeyla likes Norm but it isn't really my business. Everyone just started calling me Heyla instead of my full name and I guess that's okay. 


I went back to planning our ceremony in my spare time when I noticed Txan'aritx. He seemed anxious. I approached my friend and sat by his side. I connected my queue to his, "What is wrong, my friend?" 

"There is a palulukan here, two actually, and they didn't seem too happy about us being here."

"I'm sure it will be alright, nga sngum. You worry too much."

"I am not a worrier!" he batted my leg with his tail.

"It will be okay. They only hunt or kill when they need to or when their territory feels threatened."

"They feel threatened by me. I don't want them to hurt your people because I am here."

"Txan'aritx, you are very strong. If they get in your way, I trust you will do your best to defend us." I smile reassuringly. He walks off and sits in the sun. I went down to the lake near home tree. it's big but it has a slow moving river through it, I'm sure there are plenty of fish in the area. I sat in the sand and thought about the ceremony. It's going to be a small one, we don't have vows to say or speeches to recite because we're saving those for each other. The cluster of sacred trees, which we have named the forest of voices, is dense and there are many trees. 

I've arranged the menu for the banquet we'll have before our union, I've made sure the bow has been polished and the clothes all chosen, but why does it feel like I'm missing something? I should ask Tsu'tey or Neytiri. They know more about than I do... I should ask Neytiri. I don't want to bother Tsu'tey. 

I flagged her down and got her attention.

"Neytiri, I see you." I greeted her.

"I see you Heyla." she blinked.

"I have a question about bonding ceremonies. Besides the clothes, paint, food, and bonding, what else is there?"

"What do you mean? That's everything." She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I feel like I'm missing something. The music is already provided... Mo'at is going to be leading the ceremony..."

"It must be nerves, I won't get to have a ceremony as you are getting, but I'm sure I'd be as nervous as you seem to be right now." 

"Thank you Neytiri." I sighed. She simply smiled and walked away. 

I meandered through Mehutral while children played and chores were being performed and people celebrated their new home and this gift from Eywa. I felt a little lighter as I walked with my head held high. It's all going to be okay. 

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