2-10: Txur nì'ul

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Tsu'tey and I have been spending less time together due to Norm, and my students Iknimaya approaching. Of course, we make time for one another, but it seems that Txan'aritx is having trouble with the Palulukans in the area. I told him to let the clan handle it since it bothers Tsu'tey too. They planned to just chase them out. But several na'vi ended up injured. They were determined to stay and so was Txan'aritx. I felt bad for him since he was having such a hard time with them. 


"Heyla," Aaron caught up with the rest of our group. "when will we go to iknimaya?" This is the third time he's asked this week. 

"Patience." I whispered. "We're out here to hunt, not to talk." 

Aaron grumbled and sank to the back of the crowd. It was just Aaron and Elaine. Plus Saeyla, Ka'ani, and Atan. They're just being children right now. I can hear them snickering and joking near silently. No wonder Tsu'tey had a hard time teaching them.

I took Elaine first. She's scared, but I know she's ready to pass the first test. I stayed behind as she tracked what seemed to be a yerik. She seemed to know what she was doing, she often spent her time alone out here despite the dangers. 

When we spotted the animal, she drew her bow after hesitating. she expected me to stop her. I nodded to which she focused back on the animal. She released the arrow without warning, and struck the animal, it was dead before she reached it. Her prayer was quick and nervous, but meaningful. She knew her life was here, and she was ready to stay. I helped her carry the carcass back to the clan. 

It wasn't too late to take Aaron out to test him too, but he asked for more time. He seems nervous for once. He isn't scared, but he is squeamish. I thought he'd be used to it by now but I misjudged him. 


After a joyful dinner surrounded by friends and loved ones, I went to visit the Tree of Voices. I was still saddened by the loss of Grace. I know she is with Eywa, but that doesn't stop me from missing her. 

I pulled myself together and sat down near the roots of the trees. I drew in a deep breath. With an exhale, my entire body shook with grief. 

"I miss you so much, Grace." I made tsaheylu with the tree. Her form appeared to me. 

"It's about time you visited, kid." She smiled. Her familiar voice echoed in my head.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I had a war to fight, new home to find, and a ceremony to plan." I smile. I thanked Eywa over and over for keeping her.

"Speaking of which, Tsu'tey huh? I knew you two were close, but not that close." her eyes closed when she laughed.

"Yes, I didn't notice myself getting close to him, but I'm glad I did." 

"He makes you happy, that's what matters." she reminded me.


We paused shortly.

"So when are you two going to have kids?" she asked.

"Why does everyone ask that? We just mated, I'm not sure I want kids yet." she chuckled at me.

"I just want to know, I'm excited for you. More than you know." She smiled softly.


I returned to our hammock with a hopeful feeling. The feeling was crushed when I saw Tsu'tey pacing and fidgeting. Now that I think about it, Jake has been absent all day.

"Yawne, what's wrong?" I asked, touching his arm. A scar resting under my gentle touch.

"Arvok attacked JakeSully today." He said with an empty angry voice. He crouched near the edge where our hammock met the branch of the tree. I sat with him and comforted him.

"What made him do such a thing?" I asked.

"Mother and Father believe that avatars are demons still, despite all you've done for us. Despite all he's done for us." He was talking about Jake.

"How is he?" 

"Mo'at said he could die within a day if he is not brought the proper medicine." He is shaking with anger. I stayed silently. I heard Max and Norm were helping get medicine but I didn't know why. 

"I cannot believe my mother would do this." He hissed, venom dripped from his words, "It could have been you, they might come for you. I could've missed it. I already did, JakeSully is going to die and it's my fault." He seethed. 

"He's going to be fine. There is no way you could have known." I pull him into a hug, his head rested on my shoulder. 

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