2-7: Nì'i'a

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The festivities had ended and the fire embers glowed in the night. Tsu'tey brought me to the tree of voices. We had waited long to be one, so long, we never thought we'd get here. It's been nearly eight months here, five since the skypeople left us, I know they'll be back but it will take them six years at least. I have not told Tsu'tey yet, we all need time to rest and heal. 

"Yawntu, I never thought this day would come." he sighed happily but tensely. He took his blade and sheath and placed them near one of the trees to later be forgotten. I took his hand. He's tired, it is not uncommon for couples to not have intercourse the first time they bond. I knew I was planning to, but... it can't be helped. 

"I have waited long to be one with you, my love." I chuffed happily. He led me into his embrace and we stood in the comfortable, cool night air and waited. Waited until one of us worked up the courage to begin. 

It took me by surprise when I guided him to the roots of one of the trees and pressed my back against it after I had sat down. He joined me shortly. His lips were on mine within seconds and he was in my arms. I'm never letting go. I pulled away briefly to pull my tswin over my shoulder and in front of me. Tsu'tey did the same as his eyes met mine. Despite the circumstances, I was fairly collected. Had this been any sooner and I would be a wreck. I am glad we chose today. 

Our eyes were locked as we brought our queues together. It was like I was falling into a pit of unending bliss and landing in Tsu'tey's arms. We held one another as I saw his happiest memories, one distinct. The others, a blur. It was after the death of a pa'li, one which had given birth to a foal, he laughed and cheered as it learned to eat and live on it's own. It was his pa'li. A mean mare named Txìl. He seemed happy to be alone with his pa'li. His parents always pressured him and he needed the space and solitude of the stables. I don't blame him. I look on him now and I see what it all has turned him into. 

A surge of pleasure fills me suddenly as his arms wrap around me. And sudden exhaustion. We fell asleep still intertwined and connected.


We woke still connected and together, our tired, eyes met and there was a stark silence. I couldn't contain my laughter as we shared our joy. 

"What have you seen?" Tsu'tey asked as he was gathering himself. 

"I saw how you raised Txìl, your parent's either didn't cherish you enough or cherished you too much. I saw your early years and the connection you had to Arvok. And Sylwanin." I spoke softly at that last moment, I gazed up at him, "She was wonderful." was all I could say. He nodded silently. 

"What did you see?" I asked nervously in English. He sat near me before speaking.

"I saw your brother. Jä-dìn. You two played a lot before you grew. And your mother, she loved you very much. Your father did not see you. He saw what he wanted because he was afraid and simple-minded." He spoke softly, "You left behind everything to be here. I cannot say it was the best decision you've made but I'm happy to have met you. I saw how you played in your home, before it was destroyed, it was beautiful." he rubbed circles with his thumb into my palm. I felt joy and pressure building up within me until it all burst out of me. 

Tears poured from me like a waterfall, I had forgotten so much of my life. I was never going to see them again. I thought I had accepted this, when really, I had avoided it for so long. My head pounded with sorrow and pain filled my eyes. When it was all over, I felt oddly alone. I needed to talk to Mo'at.

Together, we rejoined the clan. But alone, I was when I had found Mo'at.

"Tsahik, I have much to talk about if you have time?" I requested.

"Yes child, I do have time for my student."

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