20: Säwem

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I heard an explosion from the sky and then a bigger explosion. I knew the bomber was down so I rushed to pick off anyone I could while defending the area which Tsu'tey was. Another explosion rang out. I saw the bigger ship falling and an AMP suit fall out. Quaritch.

I fought a while longer until I realized I couldn't breathe and I was in the link pod. It was crushed and several of my bones were broken. 

"Help! god! Help! Jake?! Tsu'tey!?" the pod lid lifted and slammed shut. I rolled out and I couldn't breathe. I struggled to stand as I grabbed a mask. I realized Norm had made it out, but Jake was still in.

I grabbed a nearby gun and shot out at Quaritch.

"Eat shit, murderer!" I was a good distraction, Jake had passed out and woke up. There was no time!

"Tanhì! Lahela!" I heard from the forest. Tsu'tey came running with my new companion who held my body on his back. 

"Get out of here!" I shouted. Quaritch noticed but was busy with Jake. Suddenly, Jake was suspended by his Queue. Neytiri wasn't free but someone had to do something! Tsu'tey had fired at  Quaritch using our ceremonial bow. when he didn't fall Neytiri did the same with her father's bow. She hissed as he let go of Jake and Quaritch was dead. 

Jake! Neytiri panicked and forgot about his human body, she suddenly ran into the link shed. 

Suddenly Tsu'tey scooped me up and went over to see if 'Toruk Makto' was okay. He was. But Tsu'tey didn't really notice his legs. I thought I should tell him, but nah. He'll figure it out. 

"We should find Norm." I patted Tsu'tey's shoulder. 

"I'll find your friend, you stay here"

"But you're injured! I can still link up, just stay here." he set me down and I ran inside. I liked up and Tsu'tey was surprised to see me. I laughed and kissed his cheek before going off to find Norm.


I found him digging through rubble to find Trudy. 

"Fuck, fuck!" he was digging through the rubble until his hands bled. 

"Hey, hey, hey," I pulled him into a hug, "It's going to be okay." 

"No, no it's not, my avatar is too injured for me to drive it, and Trudy is-"

"Right here." We both turned around to see her sitting down, covered in third degree burns. 

"Trudy!" Norm exclaimed as he ran to her. I smiled lightly.

"I don't have pain killers but Norm's avatar did, so." I tossed Norm some of the med kits he shoved into his pockets earlier. 


We rounded up all who were alive and buried all who weren't. 

All the survivors from the RDA were going to be dealt with. Jake decided to send them back, however, scientists, Avatar drivers and allies were welcome to stay. 

Mo'at was teaching me slowly and Neytiri was helpful. 

Norm's Avatar was healable. But he couldn't link with it for now. And Jake made a permanent transfer as soon as he knew Neytiri was pregnant, which she has been since their night together. 

My human body is too weak yet to make the transfer. I broke a few ribs, and my arm. Luckily, Max patched me up and it will heal within the next two months. 

Tsu'tey is doing okay, his wounds are healing fast and he is leading the people.  Mo'at finally told me what my new companion was. Tstukxitx. A palulukan variant caused by a split in the evolutionary branch. She was surprised I've even seen one let alone bonded with one, they usually live near the coasts and in the plains. 

"He will be your friend until your dying day, I'm certain." she said. 

Alì'a returned to me safely. She had been treated and she will be flying again soon.

Soon, the RDA were sent home to earth. I didn't see them off, I was busy with Tsu'tey. Busy planning our ceremony after I make the final link. 

Okay guys! That's part one. The coming chapters will be pure speculation until the Avatar 2 comes out ad when it does I will write a proper sequel to this. So from here on out, it's all my brain coming up with this. If you have suggestions, questions, and/or anything you want to say, feel free to comment and I will answer or reply ASAP. I'll be taking a brief break for today and make a separate post to cover what you guys want to see or have me do.

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