3-2: Fmawn

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It had been a few weeks-almost a month since Tsu'tey told me he was ready. I was shocked it was so soon, but for extra measure, I can wait longer. I knew I had to talk with Max about fertility and how na'vi bodies work in that regard. There's a full body scanner for avatars in the decanting space on site 2. It shouldn't take long with Al'ìa but she's nesting with Tsamun. Ikrans usually only have once a year to have children and who am I to interrupt that? So I'll be leaving with Txan'aritx. It would have been one of our last trips together but since I told him I wanted a child, Txan has been eager to stay.

I leave the hammock Tsu'tey and I share to pack some snacks for the road. It's a day long trip there and another day back. Txan will need food and so will I.

"Yawne, do you have to go so early?" Tsu'tey sat up from our hammock and glared tiredly at the bag I was packing. It was a bag from Hell's gate. A duffel bag I modified to match Txan's saddle and Al'ìa's saddle.

"Yes Tsu'tey, I should go. I have new students to meet, scientists to talk to, and Max is putting time aside from the medical center to help me. It would be rude of me not to go." I scolded Tsu'tey playfully, "I will not be long, I promise." I finished packing my bag.

"Two days is a while, are you sure you'll be okay?" Tsu'tey shot up and grabbed my arm before I could begin moving down one of the two spirals of Mehutral.

"Yes, don't you trust me? I know you're mistrustful of the tsaysawtute, but they chose to stay and fight if the RDA comes back." I glared at him, "The same thing I did." He turned his head away in defeat.

"I know, I can't help but worry Heyla." He said quietly, I pulled him close after dropping my bag.

"It's going to be okay."

We uttered our goodbyes and I met Txan'aritx at the entrance of Hometree.

----------Tsu'tey's Point of View----------

She left with Txan'aritx, I still remember the day they met. My wounds my have healed but my astonishment will never fade. A Tstukxitx is a rare sight, and it is also protector. The Omatikaya only have one story of them, and it was one of Neytiri's ancestors who had bonded with it, it stayed in the family until passed away while protecting her grandfather's great grandfather. It was a story which taught loyalty. Something often forgotten in times of war or sorrow.

What an odd story, A tawtute dreamwalker comes here, betrays her people and earns the loyalty of a being renowned for loyalty. Everyday she astounds and leaves me in blissful silence.

I was caught in my daydreaming by Mo'at.

"How unusual and refreshing to see you so relaxed, child. The clan has learned to be on it's own for the time being, today should be a peaceful day. Not to mention your fellow Eyktan taking charge for today. You should council him, he's troubling himself." She spoke in whispers before departing to meet with the clan elders to talk about the upcoming festivities with Neytiri's pregnancy drawing closer to a close. I know it must be eating at him, It did for my father, Neytiri's father, and many father's before our own.

I found him on the right to where I usually reside to make hunting plans. Today, he is helping the gatherers.

"Jake," Heyla taught me to say his name without his family name, she told me it was rude to tawtute, "I see you brother." I greeted him. He turned and greeted me in the same way.

"Tsu'tey, it's good to see you." He said tensely. He has become stoic with the passing days because of responsibilities catching up with him.

"It is good." I nodded, "How is Neytiri? I hardly see her these days." I said cautiously.

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