19: Tsamkuk

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The morning after our heart to heart it was clear that there was no stopping what was about to happen. Tsu'tey gave everyone a brief speech as all other Olo'eyktans did, but I still have this slimy sick feeling in my stomach like I drank oil. I wasn't ready but here I was, on Alì'a who has been painted beautifully. Tsu'tey did my paint since I didn't know what to do, my indecisiveness strikes again. He painted me in bright frightening red and white. I had made some basic wicker armor for Tsu'tey I know it probably won't do anything, but one can only hope. 

Alì'a was excited to see battle, while I was less than thrilled. But her encouragement meant the world to me. We flew alongside Tsu'tey and Jake. I knew Tsu'tey wouldn't let anything happen to me but I was more concerned about him than me. If he gets shot, that's over, he's dead. But if I got shot I'd wake up in another body. So, I was determined to keep him safe.

We hid in the mountains, poised for attack. I prayed, hoping we'd have minimal casualties when I could hear the buzzing of the scorpions below us. I tried to clear my head of it's anxieties but it only really worked when Tsu'tey looked at me. His eyes held no fear, and a clear resolve. I knew he'd fight, not just for me, but his home. Our home. Just as everyone else here is doing.

Jake flew through and we knew it was time when Tsu'tey gave us the command. Descending from the skies we broke their formation with arrows from above. I gave a cry as I fired my bow as a warning, "You'll die." 

As I looked up after falling at least the four people who were in the scorpion, I realized they had broke formation and I was being chased. I let Alì'a take the reins as I fired into their cockpit. Their guns had their sights on me but I fired first. They fell into the forest below.

I looked around as people were being blown out of the sky, our casualties were great but we had the advantage. A missile exploded near Alì'a and I and we were separated. I fell towards the forest floor and everything was on fire. The trees, the plants, the people. A large group had been found and out of rage other groups charged in as the pa'li riders did. I hid as I contacted Tsu'tey. 

"Tsu'tey, I was separated from Alì'a, I'm on the forest floor, they're retreating. There are too many losses." 

"Look for your companion as well as you can but do not take to long. If you do not find her, I will be coming to get you out of there." he said. His warm and calm voice was refreshing. I searched for at least thirty minutes before I found her, she was injured I told her where to go. She was grounded so she glided slowly towards the tree of souls where she would find medical treatment. 

"Tsu'tey, she was injured, I'm going to fight from the ground."

"No, stay where you are, I'm going to come find you." he nearly shouted, "You can join me on my Ikran. Two bows are better than one." 

"You aren't wrong."

Soon, he had me in his arms again. We had taken off and I knew we were headed for the plane they turned into a bomber. I fired into the ship, one of the men had been skewered. I watched Tsu'tey jump in as he killed seven people. I drew my bow as the last was going to shoot him, but it was too late. On the back of an Ikran who was not mine, I killed a man and dove to save my falling beloved. 

The wind was rushing through my ears. "Tsu'tey!" I cried. His Ikran flew above me as we fell. Tsu'tey broke his fall well but he had been shot three times. I hit a branch on my way down, and then a leaf, and then another until my fall had been broken. 

I stood up and screamed his name until my throat was torn apart. 

"Tanhì." I heard him say weakly. I was starting to hyperventilate as I saw him, riddled with holes.

"We have to get you out of here, come on." I spoke English and slowly lifted him.

"No, I can stand." he said. He did as he insisted he could and I followed him. The destruction all around us was horrific. I couldn't cry, I was too afraid to make noise as we moved silently through the burning forest. 

Suddenly, I felt something rumbling in the forest as small tress and plants fell. I heard a cheer come from Neytiri over the radio as Tsu'tey joined her. I realized Eywa had sent help. 

I grabbed what I could and I ran for cover with Tsu'tey. Our ceremonial bow still in one piece so, I guess I better use it now. Tsu'tey had left his bow on the bomber. So I leant him my normal bow. He picked up some arrows from the fallen and propped himself up against the tree. All of his wounds weren't fatal but they still hurt, and he is still bleeding. 

I moved forward and killed those on foot since my I was unsure if I could take down any with an AMP suit with this bow. I cried a warning as I fired. A great roar came from behind me. I jumped out of skin and stumbled as I turned around. I showed the great beast no fear. It was crimson and red with black splotches all over it's tiger-like body. It's skin shimmered as it moved. It had four bright, intelligent eyes. It's face looked a lot like a serpent's with Palulukan features and it had long teeth, like tusks, but black and razor sharp. It had no crests like the palulukan, instead, it had a peacock-like frill which was also red. The tail has a club-like formation. 

It raised it's head at me but tilted it down. It was a proud creature that wished for it's home to be freed. 

"Come then, we'll drive them out!" I mounted the beast and connected with him. We roared as we demolished and destroyed and struck fear into the fleeing tawtute. 

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