2-9: Sänume seri

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I was ready, I was going to start lessons with my four students. Aaron Greene, Katherine Blackwood, Samantha Lou, and Elaine Lovoure. Tsu'tey told me to start them on language. It isn't very hard to learn and at least two of them are fluent. Since they are a group they can help each other. I had told them to meet me in the secondary tree on the outermost branch. Of course, they all got lost.

"Kaltxì, ma aynumeyu!" I greeted them with enthusiasm. They all mumbled a greeting back nervously, "We're beginning with the na'vi language so try your best to keep up and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Elaine had the hardest time with glottal stops and phrasing but we were making progress. Aaron was quite the show off and obviously trying to get attention. Samantha had little to no trouble and Katherine is very talented. Despite her soft spoken demeanor, she's easy to get along with. Samantha just rubs me the wrong way. She's a know it all but doesn't seem aware that she is one.


Soon they all knew enough to get by in the clan, and we'd begin Pa'li lessons. The only issue is, they don't have clothing besides their avatar's clothes. I put Ka'ani in charge of finding Aaron clothes while I helped Samantha, Katherine and Elaine with theirs. Samantha wore a more wrap- like top with a standard loincloth. Katherine chose something which covered her more and a beaded loin cloth. Elaine decided on something more showy and plain. Aaron was dressed the same way Norm is, a simple loin cloth and an armband.

Now that they were dressed like the people, they looked a lot more like the people. I told them they could speak english if they wanted to, but it wouldn't hurt to practice na'vi. I let them find a pa'li which liked them and I explained the bond, Samantha tuned out since she claimed to understand it just fine, which surprisingly, she did. They all did okay, but they need to learn balance on a pa'li. Aaron was fine because he had ridden horses on earth, he admitted it was different but it didn't seem to bother him too much. He ended up helping the others by explaining horse riding.


I let them meet Al'ìa and Tsamun, I told them to keep their distance and not to meet their eyes, they would feel challenged if they did. I knew Al'ìa and Tsamun wouldn't hurt them, but even so, it's good to be wary. While I demonstrated flight with an Ikran, Al'ìa excitedly informed me that she and Tsamun had decided to have children of their own. Which made my heart gush, my friend was going to be a mother. She kept asking when I was going to have my own and I told her I just wasn't ready for that yet. It was startling that Mo'at also asked me the same question that same afternoon.

"When will you and Tsu'tey have children?" she inquired.

"I do not believe I am ready for children." I answered. we were in the middle of meditating.

"I watched Tsu'tey this morning. He was watching the children mostly. He may not know it yet, but I think he is ready to be a parent." She said while watching me closely.

"I know he would be a good father, I am just not ready. I am still adjusting to the loss of my old body and my new one."

"I know child, I cannot push you to be a parent any faster than you want to be, but I wished to know. I am just excited to be a grandparent and Neytiri is already with child."

"I know Sa'nok." I said affectionately. She's a lot like my mother, eager to learn and eager to live.


I taught my student's how to use a bow, how to forage and hunt. They learn so fast that I soon found iknimaya drawing closer. Aaron and I had broken the ice. His home life was a lot like mine, a split family and a younger sibling. He is neurotypical unlike me but we get along okay. He came here because he needed the money and he ended up being an assistant in logging things in and studying creatures, but not up close like he initially wanted. So he ended up bored. When the Avatars took hells gate, he was caught in the fray but helped however he could anyway. One of his friends passed in the fight. He has survivors guilt and he hated himself. I knew the best I could do for him is be there for him and now he has many friends and a people. He has purpose and he decided to dedicate his life to being a care taker and teacher.

Elaine has yet to find out what she wants to do yet, but that's alright. We aren't exactly friends but I wish the best for her. Samantha wants to be a healer. She has extensive knowledge about na'vi anatomy and it's workings so I set up her learning to be closer to a healer's lessons.

Katherine decided to be a lore keeper. I am teaching her what I know but Mo'at knows much more than I do.

It's been only two months of their lessons but they already know so much. I don't think they are all ready. They need to get stronger.

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