12: Uniltaron

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I linked up and I woke up. Saeyla was poking me with a stick. 

"I didn't think, you'd wake up." she said disappointed, "Ka'ani, Jake and I already did our dream hunt, what held you up?" she asked in a mocking tone.

"I was dealing with personal troubles. Not your business." I said. I didn't want to take her shit today. I was already in a bad mood and I'm sure everyone could tell due to my droopy ears and tail. I changed into something a little more dressy for the occasion, aka, a form fitting loin cloth and a ceremonial beaded top piece.(It resembles Ikeyni's top) 

Tsu'tey did the paint on my face but I did the rest as he directed because he thought it was indecent for a promised man to touch another woman that way. It gave me a good laugh but I knew it would be near impossible to finish this. I could die but I really want to be what they expect of me.

The pounding of the glowing blue drum and the water in said drum made a magical noise. it was quite creepy down in the lore keepers lair. The walls were covered in paintings and murals depicting stories that I've heard and others I am yet forbidden to hear. Mo'at, Eytukan, the lore keepers, and Tsu'tey were all waiting for me. 

They burned incense in their circle as the drum glowed with every slow beat. I entered the circle as Mo'at blew some incense smoke towards my face, it was a sweet, earthy scent. Dry though.

"Oh wise worm, eater of the Sacred Tree, bless this worthy hunter with a true vision." she reached into a basket and pulled out a worm. She fed me the wriggling thing, and let me tell you, it definitely was not a gummy worm, however, it did not taste bad. Mo'at chanted the last line, "Bless this worthy hunter with a true vision.".

Eytukan pulled out the scorpion like bug and grabbed it to make it sting me. Immediately, I was in pain. Their speech slowed and I knew I was tripping. The drum and the incense wasn't helping. Soon I was seeing the energy, the signal transduction between the trees and the connections. It was like someone was screaming in my ear. I sat back and tried to focus on something. I was completely overwhelmed. Tears from the smoke stung my eyes. I blinked one away but the other fell. Suddenly I was running, moving away from something in fear. A red and black beast bigger than a palulukan. Suddenly I was seeing through it's eyes. Pandora is on fire and all the green is gone. More tears joined the others as I sat on the floor of the lore keeper's lair.

"What have you seen, LahelaKekoa?" Mo'at asked.

"A red and black beast bigger than a palulukan, and a horrible sight I haven't seen since I lost my own home." I wiped my tears away but more came. Tsu'tey had no idea what to make of this, both Jake and I had horrible premonitions while Saeyla and Ka'ani had premonitions about village life. And he had no idea why I was so shaken. He seemed genuinely worried about me. He's never seen me cry before. 

Minutes later I rose out of the lair and saw Grace, Jake, Neytiri, Ka'ani, and Saeyla. I stood before Eytukan as he finalized the ceremony.

"You are now a daughter of the Omaticaya. You are now one of the people." he said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. Tsu'tey proudely placed his hands on my back and shoulder. Mo'at also did the same with much enthusiasm, and so did Neytiri.

I saw grace in the back, it seemed she knew she'd never feel what I am feeling, her expression is proud but melancholy.


Jake and Neytiri snuck off somewhere. And Tsu'tey had something he had wished to tell me, so he brought me to the edge of the tree of voices. Another small cove of his it seemed.

"You are one of the people now, Hela," I had asked him to call me that as all my friends do, "you may make your weapon from the wood of hometree. And you may find a mate." he said somewhat akwardly.

"Okay, so why did you bring me here, Tsu'tey?" I asked with some hope. I first had considered him an enemy, and then a stranger, a friend, and now I feel something warm rise into my chest when he says nice things to me.

"First, come here." he said. I walked cautiously, slowly to Tsu'tey, "I'm not a Pa'li colt, no need to be so cautious." he smirked. He grabbed some of the glowing tendrils of the tree and handed them to me as he grabbed his own.

"This a place for prayers to be heard, and sometimes answered. It is also a well of souls."

I connected my queue to the tendrils as it glowed. Suddenly, hundreds of voices were all talking at once and it was beautiful. 

"They live within Eywa. Our ancestors." he said, "And loved ones." he said mournfully. "I had once lost someone I loved, but they live within Eywa."

"Were they your mate?" I asked quietly.

"They were supposed to be until she died we we were younger. And then I was promised to neytiri." he said monotonously, "But I have talked with Mo'at and Eytukan. They know Neytiri isn't ready and needs further lessons, and they also know I do not see her the way I once saw her sister. I am released of my promise to her, and tomorrow I will tell her this."

"So, why are you telling me this, Tsu'tey?" I asked but I think I know the answer.

"I-I... I have grown fond of you, Hela. I have felt this way since you stood up to me and I know I have not known you long, but it feels like I've known you my whole life." he said, knocking the air from my lungs, "I intend to wait before we become one officially, but I'm asking your permission to court you." He said. I felt overwhelmed, yet deeply honored that he even considers me an option. Even though I know it isn't forever, please Eywa, give me more time here.

"Tsu'tey... I would be honored to court you." I said with a smile. 

We sat down under the stars and talked about our lives before we met and our friends. I told him about my home. How my family protected a wildlife sanctuary until we were forced to give it up when a company who wanted the property started a fire there and we lost everything. Of course we couldn't prove it, and we lost the battle for the lands and they put up another tall building instead of leaving it alone to grow. I told Tsu'tey about Norm, who he's seen but never talked to. And he knows Grace. He told me about his parents and how he was their pride but their expectations are very high. He said that they won't like this news very much. But I feel Saeyla will be far more upset than them.

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