15: Tìska'a

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Everyone was fleeing on Eytukan's command. Those guarding us ran away. The scorpions and the big ship flew backwards and Jake announced Quaritch was going to blow the columns.

"Fuck!" I struggled in my binds. Mo'at approached Jake with tears in her eyes and put the knife to his neck.

"Mo'at, no!" Grace said pleaded.

"If you are one of us, help us." she said in a broken tone. She cut his restraints and then mine, and Grace's. I moved to run to the tree.

"Lahela, no! You'll never make it out of there." Jake stopped me.

"But he's still in there!" 

"He'll be fine, come on! This way!" Jake lead us away from the tree, as I saw Tsu'tey flying over head. The missiles rained down on the tree as we ran. The first wave hit and the shock wave blew me over the log Grace bumped into. we pulled Mo'at over and put our heads down, as chunks of the tree flew everywhere. 

Silence came as leaves began to fall from the great tree. Fear flooded my body and I knew it was going to fall. 

"Come on! We have to go!" I yelled at anyone standing still. Screams of horror filled the air. I saw 'Alìa and other ikrans fly away. I watched as the people were crushed under the falling tree. Frozen from fear, Jake shook me out of my horror as we ran out of the shadow of the tree.  

The great tree groaned and The People screamed and cried and moaned in horror and sorrow. I cried with them, I lost a home a second time. I called to 'Alìa and we linked and searched for wounded or survivors. Mainly Tsu'tey. He stood over Eytukan's body. Tsu'tey is the Olo'eyktan now. 

"Tsu'tey, I-" I was stopped by him turning around to look at me. Anger, then sorrow, and suddenly guilt. I was pulled from my avatar. 


I was thrown into a cell and I broke down and started crying. Everyone else was silent. I need to be there and help them. I pounded on the glass and scratched at it until my fingers were sore and bleeding. 

"That's enough Hela." Grace said quietly. "Come here, let me bandage your fingers." 


Trudy came in with a food cart. 

"What's going on, brother? Long time no see." Trudy greeted our warden. 

"Hey" he said. 

"Personally I don't feel these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak."

"They get steak? That's bullshit, let me see that." He bent over to look in the cart. Trudy pulled out her gun from it's holster, "Yeah, you know what that is. Down. All the way down." she smacked his head as soon as he was on the floor and called for Max. He rushed in and unlocked the door, and we ran, Trudy went ahead to start the ship as Jake asked. Norm followed her close behind. 

I was with Grace always looking behind our shoulders. We caught up with Norm and Trudy and we got in as quick as we could.

"I'm taking fire! Let's go!" Trudy shouted. I buckled in and Jake had his wheel chair in tow. we cheered as we were taking off, the adrenaline was pumping through our veins until I looked to Grace with a smile that soon faded.

"Crap," she looked down at her blood soaked hand, "This is gonna ruin my whole day." 

"Grace is hit!" Jake shouted. "Get the trauma kit." 

Norm and I rushed to grab it but couldn't find it until Trudy told us where it was.


Norm put his mask on and went out to help link the cables to the mobile link unit. I stayed inside and took care of Grace, which gave Jake some time to think. I grabbed a morphine injection for Grace. I've never been shot before so I don't know how much pain she's in, but she has a hole blown through her body. 

"Are we moving?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, we're going to get you some help." I answered.

"I don't believe in it, Hela."

"I know Grace, the people can help you. I know they will."

"Why would they help us?"

"I don't know they just have to. I can't loose you Grace." I said fearfully, she's become the mother I needed, the guidance and strength. 


There was no other place they could have gone, they went to the tree of souls. 

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