2: Unil si

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Max told me that my team would be going out through our links in two days.
I asked Grace to lunch and talked about meeting the na'vi.
"You shouldn't expect them just to embrace us." She said.
"I don't, I understand their anger and frustration." I sigh, "we invade their land and kill their planet."
"That's why I'm choosing you and Norm to make contact. You understand people and how they feel. Hopefully they'll see the same kindness others see in you."
"Pfff you don't mean that, you've only known me a few days."
"You pick up a thing or two from the na'vi." She smiled.
The slop they call food tasted a little sweeter.
Norm and I were early into the office this morning. I watched Grace give Jake a pep talk before saying that Norm and I would be the ones chosen to talk to the Omatikaya. Something in her voice sounded like pride but part of me knew she was scared too.
I have a feeling today won't go well. Maybe I'll die for the first time. I wonder what it's like.
I got to meet Trudy and her not so savory co-worker Wainfleet. He made a few comments about my "blue ass". I made sure to sit as far away as possible fron him.
I spotted a flock of Riti, Talioang, Yerik, and even an Ikran on our way to the drop zone. I was amazed at all the colors and life I was seeing. On earth everything is concrete.
Oh! Don't get me started on the vibrant blues and purples, the bright greens seem proud to be what they are and the water! Oh, how the water glistens. I was excited and giddy and not at all aware that we were landing and that I had to bring a pack with me.
"Hela, your pack!" Grace shouted.
"Oh! Right!" I nodded thankfully and grabbed my back pack from the helicopter.
Wainfleet looked all to happy to be following us from behind. Grace waved him off.
"Stay with the ship, one idiot with a gun is enough." She scoffed. I was silently thanking her and observing the world around me.
Jake was alarmed by the syaksyuk or Prolemuris.
"Relax Jake, they're just big lemurs. They aren't aggressive." I state.
"Relax marine, you're making me nervous." Grace muttered.
Grace and Norm went off to take samples and I split off to observe any fauna in the area.
Sitting on a leaf, a lizard? A fan lizard. Or kenten, they have a large helicopter fan on their back and jump and glide away until they are safe. I got low and set my pack down.
"Hello tiny thing!" I pounced on it and caught it in my hands. I looked carefully at his small nubby hands and the fan on his back. I released him into the air and laughed.
Suddenly I realized that I was lost.
I found a river and followed it because I knew that we passed a river. And then I got even more lost. It was getting dark and scary but I felt oddly at ease in this labyrinth of trees and life.
Night fell quickly and I felt eyes on my back. That's the scary part. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a floating jellyfish seed called an atokirina. Its here for a good reason so I have to follow it. I followed it and stumbled but it's patient nature made it easier to get back up and keep going.
I felt safe and calm. The air was clean and crisp. My only concern was the thundering hooves I was hearing.
"Za'u! Lesar si." I heard a male voice say. He said, Come! Make yourself Useful to his hunting party. "Awnga zenke hawngkrr ne sä'eoio." Something about being late to a ceremony. A shout of surprise came from the party as I felt a knife touch my back.
"Move not demo-" his voice falters as he sees the atokirina resting on my head. "Awnga zene munge poe." One of them muttered.
I was bound and told to stay as they pondered and fought over a final decision. I was going with them to hometree.
I was thrown onto a palì and we had a long bumpy road to Kelutral.

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