39|thirty nine

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"What are you doing?" MaRoo asked the thin boy, who had brought up a stool in MaRoo's room and was sticking something on the ceiling

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"What are you doing?" MaRoo asked the thin boy, who had brought up a stool in MaRoo's room and was sticking something on the ceiling.

"Glow in dark stickers," YooChan grinned, looking down at MaRoo. "Stars and you know, alien spaceships?"

MaRoo just nodded.

"They look like you, those aliens." YooChan laughed widely, "Green creatures with large heads and lizard-like eyes? You look like them, seriously." This time, his eyes were large.

And a fourteen year old MaRoo found himself strangely drawn to them. His eyes were always full of mischief, always in search of something amusing, for they never seemed to rest on anything for too long.

"-said aliens are not real, MaRoo? Are you listening?"

MaRoo nodded.

YooChan laughed.

And Scooby barked.

"So I was watching this TV show about Aliens, you know, they said it isn't necessary that aliens are very exotic creatures. Even if a form of life grows somewhere extraterrestrial, it would be classified as alien-"

MaRoo did not pay attention to the words. He was just looking at the boy who was blabbering something while sticking the stickers on the ceiling.

MaRoo's brother remained depressed lately. He was going away, but MaRoo couldn't do anything about it. He was bad with words.

But the extent of fluidity with which this green-eyed boy spoke, MaRoo envied that. He wanted to be like him. 

"—aliens built the pyramids of Egypt, can you believe it?" The boy looked down, his body crouching down on the rickety stairs. MaRoo thought it was dangerous.

YooChan was short. Came up to MaRoo' neck, probably. It wasn't that boy's fault, because MaRoo was the one who was unnaturally tall. Ever since he had started playing basketball , he seemed to grow nonstop.

"Uh... yes," Maroo said.

"So you believe in conspiracy theories?" YooChan blinked.

"Conspiracy what?"

"That life on earth began by extraterrestrial life?"


YooChan took a step down, casually leaning on the staircase, "That spore like things which were the seeds of life came to earth through meteorites?"

MaRoo's eyes darted to the staircase. It was rickety.

"You know dinosaurs? Those big reptilian creatures?" YooChan stepped one step down. The staircase wobbled. "Big teeth and short limbs? Look like an overgrown mutated lizard?"

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