Chapter 18 - Real

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Annika POV

I sit on the plane, nervous and overwhelmed at what I decided to do. I haven't been in so long, I haven't faced my demons, and I think it's time. I'm not going alone; after the whole Dabi situation, Aoki thought it would be best for Shima and me to have a vacation. Definitely long overdue and our first family vacation, so I can't help but be excited to show them the wonders of America.

I sit in between Aoki and Shima, Aoki sound asleep, and Shima looking out the window in wonder and excitement. I can't help but smile at his childlike behavior. 

Ding, "Please fasten your seat belts; we will be arriving in 10 minutes."

Fastening in Aoki's seat belt while Shima does his own, I forgot to undo my own. The plane starts twirling around, giving a nice view of the city below. 

This wakes Aoki up, handing him some water; he thanks me as I tell him we'll be there soon. It didn't take long for the plane to touch the dark road and slow down gradually. As soon as it came to a halt the passengers patiently wait for the seat belt symbol to go off. Once it does, they start to unbuckle and grab their belongings.

Perks of being in first class, we got to get off first, and as soon as we got off the plane, Shima's eyes sparkle in wonder at the unfamiliar territory. 

"Let's get something to eat before we pick up the rental car."

This makes Shima excited as he looks around at the unfamiliar food choices. Choosing Italian, we pick up a couple of slices of pizza. I record him eating the whole slice as he practically drools over the taste. 

Going through the train and too baggage claim, our bags roll around with a few other ones. Taking them we head over to the car rental area while getting some snacks along the way. To say Shima was surprised and overwelled at the "Small" size drink was hilarious. He kept trying to ask the man for a small one, saying that he gave him the wrong size. We ended up getting him a kids size-making Aoki, and I almost die from laughter at the little pictures on the cup.

Finally getting our car, I sit in the driver's seat; Shima was once again mesmerized by the big city and diverse people that roamed through the streets. Getting to our grand hotel, we check-in, getting the best rooms on the top floor. 

After getting settled in, I show them around the city, seeing everything rebuilt looked weird to me but gave me a sense of relief. I can't help but imagine the same broken city to still be broken on my way here.

Geeting some hero merch and even signing autographs from those who recognized me. 

Heading back before sunset, Shima was pooped and was knocked out as soon as his head hit the pillow. I left some stomach meds for when he wakes up just in case he has a tummy ache. Sitting down on the bed, I look out the large window watching the sun come down slowly.

"Are you ready?"

Looking up at Aoki, I smile and nod.

Leaving a note for Shima just in case he wakes up; we head out; slipping into the car, I stare at the wheel, feeling a sense of fear flood me.

"Annika? Annika!"

I look over to Aoki, giving me a worried smile; he places his hand on mine. "Want me to drive?"

I nod slowly before getting out of the car so we can switch seats. Turning on the GPS, we make it to the cemetery while it's still day. 

I sit still, feeling the fear only increase but come to a halt as soon as I hear a soothing voice. "Are you ready?"

Looking into his warm eyes, I nod slowly.

"Want me to come with you?"

I shake my head, "No, I n-need to do this alone."

"Ok, I'll be here when you're ready."

Smiling at him one last time, I exit the car, leaving it behind as I walk down the cemetery. Passing all the stones that stood big and small, I walk further to the back before turning and meeting the last once beside a large willow tree. 

Looking down at the tomb, I sit in front of it and take a deep breath as I stare at the familiar name. I still can't believe this is happening; I still can't believe this is real. 

"Hello, little brother. 

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