Chapter 8 - Sparing

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Annika POV

I stand a few feet away from Shimura; we stare at each other in complete silence as the wind flows past us peacefully. Getting in position, he does the same as we run to each other, attacking with great speed, he tries to keep up.

Trying different moves, I pin him down, tapping him on his shoulder. "Let's try again; you almost got me on that last move."

 Helping him up, we try again and again; while I'm not breaking a sweat, Shimura is trying to catch his breath. Seeing this, I smile, "Let's take a water break."

He wastes no time in taking his water bottle and drowning himself in water. I chuckle a bit and take down some water myself. He's been growing more muscular with his training; I have faith that he'll get into UA with flying colors by the end of his junior high years. 

"Hey, Annika!"

I turn to see a certain black-haired hero in his civilian clothes, "Yosuke!"

I walk over to him, seeing a light blush on his cheek. I don't think much of it. "Hey, what brings you to this side of the town?"

He rubs the back of his neck, "Oh, I was just jogging; I have a couple of days off. What are you doing here?"

I smile warmly, "I'm just training Shimura hand-in-hand combat. Wanna join? He's taking a break, and I think it would be great to show him a demonstration."

He smiles brightly at me, "Sure!"

Walking down the hill, I stand in front of Shimura; looking up at me, he smiles a bit. "Yosuke and I are going to demonstrate a spare between heroes, in this instant pretend I'm a villain." Giving him a peace sign, he nods, watching me stand a few feet away from me. 

Meeting his eyes, I smirk before run towards him and attacking, going back and forth, I take the lead, showing no mercy before he uses his quirk on me.

(A/N Insert Present Mic Voice - Yosuke Aoki, Quirk Energy Suck. He has the ability to suck the energy of his foes and use it to strengthen his own and attack.)

I start to feel weak, pinning me down; I try to catch my breath. We stare at each other, raising an eyebrow I speak up, "Um, Yosuke?"

He blushes a bit, "S-sorry."

Getting up, he holds out his hand, which I gladly take; once up, I pout, crossing my arms. "No fair you cheated; you weren't supposed to use your quirk."

He laughs a bit, "Have to be realistic; if you're the villain, I have to use all my resources to defeat you."

I sigh before nodding, "You're not wrong, but it's still not fair."

Shimura POV

I watch the two go back and forth, laughing and chatting about the spare. I can't help but notice the blush that crept on Yosuke's cheeks, and his linger eyes. I frown a bit, but then it clicks, 'Oh, he likes her.'

Putting it together, I think for a moment, he must have liked her for a while. I honestly don't know how I feel about this guy liking Annika. She's like a mom to me; heck, she basically is my mom. I don't want her to get hurt, but he seems cool, but she'll probably never realize it because she's dense. 

I drop my head at the thought, 'He probably tried to confess or ask her out a couple of times, but she was too dense of notice. Poor guy.'

Watching the two, I see how happy she is with him; that's what matters to me; I want her to be happy. 

I snap out of my thoughts, "Did you get all of that, Shimura?"

I nod, standing up, "I'm going to get some more water bottles from the convenience store up the street; I'll be right back."

Looking at Yosuke one last time, his eyes widen, getting my message before I walk off. 

Annika POV

Smiling at Shimura, my heart swells, "He's such a good kid, to think he's the same boy frozen in the alley."


I look over at Yosuke, "Hey, what's wrong."

"W-well, Annika, I wanted to ask you something."

I smile, "Lay it on me; what's on your mind."

He calms down a bit, closing his eyes before looking at me full of determination. 

"Will you go on a date with me?"

My eyes widen, not prepared for the sudden question. I've never thought of Yosuke that way; hell, I never thought of anyone that way, I guess it slipped my mind. He starts to able on, "You know, I should never have asked. I risked running our friendship and what we had, and I'm so sorry. Forget I asked, re-"

"Sure." I cut him off.


He looks shocked, "I said, sure, I've never been on a date before; it sounds fun."

He shakes his head a bit, "Wait, you know, is this more than a friend date, right."

I nod, "That's what I assumed."


He blushes, rubbing the back of his as his smile widens; looking at me, my heart gets stuck by an arrow. 'He's never smiled at me like that...'

I blush, thanking my brown skin for concealing my emotions. 

His smile brightens, "Ok, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 pm. Is that ok?"

I nod, bidding me farewell. I chuckle as he jumps up and walks off with great speed. Seeing Shimura coming back with three water bottles, he looks over at Yosuke's retreating figure.

"What's got him so happy."

Taking a water bottle, I open it, smiling softly, "Guess who's going on her first date~."

He chuckles a bit, placing a water bottle down before taking his own, "Congratulations, Annika."

Laughing a bit, I take down the cool liquid, feeling a bit giggly about the whole ordeal. The next day, putting on something simple, I look at myself in the mirror. A nice pink blouse with some black tights and short black wedged heels. 

Hearing the doorbell ring, I hear Shimura speak up, "I'll get it!"

Feeling a bit nervous, I slap my cheeks, applying some chapstick, and smiling with pure determination. Walking out, I hear Shimura giving Yosuke the talk, "She better be back before midnight, don't make her feel uncomfortable or do anything you'll regret because then you'll have to deal with me."

Seeing Yosuke sweat while giving him a nervous smile, I chuckle a bit, pulling both their attention on me. Feeling Yousuke's eyes on me, I smile at Shimura, "I won't be gone long, so hold down the fort for me. If you need anything, don't be afraid to call."

He nods, "Don't worry, just have fun Annika; you deserve it."

My eyes widen a bit at his words, giving him a warm smile; I nod before walking out with Yosuke. Seeing his car out front, he proceeds to take me to this nice restaurant. We talk for hours, but it felt like the concept of time flew out the window. Despite the small talk, I never really had long conversations with him before, but I wish I had. During the whole date, my heart wouldn't stop pounding; even when we were kicked out, and he took me back him, I couldn't stop smiling.

Walking me to my front door, I look up at him, "I had a great time; I hope we do it again soon."

A light blush spreads on his cheeks, "Me too."

Frozen, he leans his, placing a soft kiss on my forehead, pulling back; he gives me a bright smile. My heart skips a beat, once again admiring his features. Heading inside; I see the living room light on. Looking on the couch, I see Shimura sleep fast asleep, smiling down at him; I place a blanket over him.

"Goodnight, Shimura." 

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