Chapter 7 - Storm

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Annika POV

Years go by, and Shimura has grown into a fine young man. With his daily training and study sessions with me, he's excelling in school as well. To watch him go have been such a treat, the once sacred eyed boy, now a calm boy who's eyes sparkles at the sight of a hero.

Now in junior high, he remains at the top of his class and continues to inspire to be a hero himself. On my way back home from the store, I see a boy sitting in an alley from the corner of my eye; he looks about the same age as Shimura.

I don't know what's wrong with me and finding stray kids in alleys, but I wonder if this will become a habit. Having some buns, I walk over to the boy bending down to his level.

"You look hungry; want some buns?"

He remains silent, raising his head a bit to look at me with his piercing blue eyes. "It's fresh~."

"I don't want your stupid bread lady, so go away."

Just as he said that, the rain started pouring down on us. Putting the bread back in my bed, I smile down at him, "Then how about you come to my place until the rain stops. I'll even make you a hot meal."

"I don't want your help nor your fo-"

His stomach grumbles, making him rise; seeing his scared face, I keep my warm smile. "Come along; I'll make you something good." Hearing his steps, we make it back just before the lightning strikes. 

Taking off my coat, I slip off my shoes; the boy does the same. "You can sit on the couch; it won't belong. My sin should be coming home soon as well. By the way, what's your name?"


"Dabi? I like that, so why is a preteen like you hanging around on the street hungry and all."

"It's none of you're business, old hag."

"For you're information, I'm not old; I do not even have way there. But if you don't want to tell me, that's fine."

Plating the noodly dish, I place the bowl in front of him. "Cold Soba and some hot buns."

Giving him some chopstick, he stares at the dish, "I got plenty, so if you want seconds, don't be afraid to ask."

He looks at my bright smile before looking back down at the food, whipping his eyes a bit. I smile as he starts to eat the food. Smiling, I start to make some dessert; I decide to make some Dango. Starting the dish, I turn to check up on Dabi to see both his bowl and plate of buns empty.

"Would you like some more?"


Taking his bowl, I get him some more, adding a hot bun to the plate he continues to eat. I hear the door open, "Annika! I'm home."

I smile at Shimura, "Welcome home, Shimura! Dinner's ready."

Giving me a soft smile, he turns to raises an eyebrow at the dark-haired boy. So I introduce them, "This is Dabi, Dabi, Shimura, my son."

Dabi looks up and him; as they stare at each other, you could practically see the lighting sparking between them, almost as if they were rivals. Chuckling, I make a bowl of soba and plop some buns on a plate, "Sit down and eat; you've had a long day."

Looking at me, he nods before plopping his bag down on the couch; he sits in the seat next to mine. Setting down his food and getting my own, I eat my food happily, watching the two glare at each other. "Be nice you two."

They both look at me and continue eating; Shimura proceeds to tell me about his day with a few snarky comments from Dabi, which led to a glare off before I intercepted. After dinner, I put the dishes away to clean later; seeing the storm has passed, I turn to Dabi. Giving both boys a plate of Dongo, I wash my hands. 

"The storm has passed, so if you wish to leave after dessert, you may just know my door is open to you."

He stares at me before eating his fluffy pastry; eating my own Dango, I moan in delight. Finishing my dish, I watch as Dabi rises from his seat and heads to the door. Slipping on his shoes, he turns to be, "Thank you for the food and the warm place."

Before I could respond, he opens the door and leaves. I turn to Shimura, "Well, he seems nice."

He chuckles a bit before he continues to eat, "If you say so."


It was on that day Dabi felt a warmth that he hasn't felt since his mother. He enjoyed the warmth, her smile, and loving food. He smiles to himself at the thought of her. She didn't drill him on who he was or what he looked like; she was just real.

Dabi knew one thing and one thing only, that he found himself a safe haven. The only place he would be safe, and the only place he's willing to protect. 

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