Chapter 19 - Relief

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(A/N do you recognize my lines below?)

Annika POV

I knew he wouldn't reply back, but a small part of me wishes he did. I remember when I called him little brother, he would grow irritated and go on about him being only a couple of seconds younger.

I would tease him all the time, and he would do the same to me. Even though we were twins, we didn't share the same quirk; while I could heal anything with mine, he was limited to small cuts and bruises. With that, he never envied me; he saw it as a motivation to accomplish his dream and be a doctor. 

I, of course, supported him, helping him study, pushing him forward, and he did the same for me when I became the rescue hero Oshun. He came up with the name while we were in high school, during World History. 

The day he graduated, top of his class and early, he made me proud. I would boast about him during work and anytime I could. And even during our busy schedules, we always made time for each other and supported each other no matter what. 

He was always there for me if only I was there for him.

Staring at his name, I finally speak once more, "It's been a while. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in so long, the...the guilt was too much. Fate has been cruel, hasn't it? How can I have been so weak that I couldn't save my own brother? The blame was my own, and yet I still had the balls to come here after all this time. At first, it was hard. Hard without you, your laughter, your voice, and your smile. Mom and Dad hate me, so I left it all behind and moved to Japan. You and I had a trip planned out to go there, so we can see all the amusement parks. I still haven't gone; it feels wrong without you there with me."

Tears start to roll down my face, "Please forgive me. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. For years now, I felt like this emptiness without you; I felt fearful and alone, you used to teach me in my dreams. I never imagined I'd face this world on my own without you. I wished the years would just rush by me so I could finally die!"

I grow silent at my own words, the words I never dared to utter out loud. My tears continue to stream down my face, "But it got better; I found this boy in an alley, his name is Tenko Shimura, but I call him Shima. I took him in and raised him as my own; he lost his family like I did. I gave him all my love and care and watched him grow into a fine man and hero. Along the way, I fell in love and got married; I felt like you were there with me. I had your photo in the front row so you could watch the whole thing. My new last name is Yosuke, I've gotten used to it, but at first, it felt almost unreal to say it out loud. I make your favorite meals from time to time, usually on Wednesday or the 11th. You always told me that Wednesday was your favorite day and 11 your lucky number. I wish you could meet them."

The tears only feel harder as I felt a warm sensation spread through me; I try to whip them away, but they just wouldn't stop, so I try to smile. "I know you hate seeing me like this, but I love you. I miss you all these miles away. May you rest in peace, safe upon your bed of sunlight, with no amount of sadness, pain, or care, and when it's my time, I'll fly away and meet you there. So keep my seat warm, ok?"

I stand from my seat as the sun finally leaves the sky, "I'll come by tomorrow; I'll bring some flowers, your favorite snacks, and stuff."

I stare down at his tomb, "See you later."

Walking away, I walk slowly before picking up the pace and rushing to the car. Seeing Aoki waiting for me, I fall into his open arms and break down once again. Crying into his chest, it muffles my screams of pain and relief.

I did it; I finally did it. 

Returning to the hotel room, he carries me to the bed; stripping me down, he places me in one of his shirts. Feeling like more of a dress, he sets up the pillows allowing me to lean back and relax a bit. 

Opening his bag, he pulls a bag; staring at it, he spreads out all my favorite snacks from home. I smile weakly as he gets into his nightclothes and plops down next to me. Turning on the Tv, he goes on Netflix; confused by the selection, I chuckle as he tried to read the descriptions. 

Directing him to a classic comedy, he turns it on. The rest of the night consisted of sweets, laughter, and late-night cuddles that turned into an entangled slumber of relief. 

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