Chapter 20 - Roll

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Annika POV

Holding a bundle of sunflowers in one hand and a bag of snacks in the other, I walk over to Aiden's grave. Sitting down in front of it, I place the flowers across. Taking out some Incense and an Incense holder, I light it up to give off a familiar fragrance.

Placing a box of banana Pocky and a back of jalapeno-flavored Cheetos next to his tomb, I pull out my chocolate-flavored and flammin' hot Cheetos. Cracking open a small can of Arizona, I open set his can across from me.

I give a quick cheer and take a long sip of the artificial tea, take a nice breath, I smile at the tomb. "Just like last old times, huh?"

I smile for a while before opening my box of pocky, "Speaking of old times, I have to catch you up on everything that went down. I'll be here for a week and a half so I'll be visiting frequently. I might leave you with some cliffhangers, so bear with me~ I just want to get you excited!"

Waiting for an answer, I continue on telling him about Shima and about how I met him. From the first time he talked to me and how it sent me over the moon, to him saving me from the burning building, and how he's now a big shot hero. Then I told him a little bit about Aoki, I left him on a cliffhanger, but I could already imagine him telling me how dense I am.

Leaving for the day, I hang out with the boys before heading to the theatre to show them a classic. The next day I bring our favorite Ice Cream and tell him more about Aoki, how we first met, how we became friends, and how he asked me out. Saying it out loud, I think I own Shima, thanks for some reason. 

Then I told him about the first time I got kidnapped. How scared I was but how I pulled through even when everything seemed hopeless. Then I led told him a bit about Toya but left it on a cliffhanger. 

"You're ice cream is all melted! I'll throw it away, but you were always a slow eater. Nothing's changed, huh?"

Taking the container, I smile down at the tomb before leaving.

The next day I didn't bring any snacks, just some water; he preferred sparkling, so I got his favorite and placed it next to his snacks. Continuing my story about Dabi, I didn't leave anything out; I may have whispered certain things that were supposed to remain secret, but besides that, I feel like he was really invested in the story, and that's what mattered.

The next day I came back with a new batch of flowers, placing it down on the side, I throwing out the old ones. Coming back, I put his snacks aside and being to clean his tomb, making it squeaky clean. 

Placing all the stuff back on, I light the incense, smiling a the scent; I let the wind blow and tell him some more stories.

"Well, I think your all caught up now! Shima and Aoki are at the mall getting some souvenirs and such. I hope you don't mind staying here for a while before they come by. Oh, and don't worry, I'll introduce them to you tomorrow! I just wanted them to have fun since this is supposed to be their vacation too, ya know?"

Everything seemed peaceful until a certain voice made Annika freeze in her spot.


The pure venom spewed out of her words, and the pair of eyes glares with anger, shame, and spite. Turning to look at the two, I can't help but stare at my parents. They look so tired, their expression towards me hasn't changed one bit but am I surprised. 

The last time I saw them, they tried to kill me in my sleep. Like I didn't lose my own brother like I wanted him to die in my arms. Looking back on it, I still can't fathom that I hung such pain, such guilt for a situation out of my control. Even when I pour out my heart to Andre when I returned that first night and fell asleep in Aoki's arms. I thought for a moment and reflected. 

All this time, they hated me and blamed me for his death. If I could turn back time I would trade my life for his in a heartbeat but I have a small feeling that they never loved me. What if the roles were in reverse? He wouldn't be treated like this. He wouldn't have to escape to fight and burden the guilt. 

I stood still, with empty and cold eyes as they spit their words of hate and anguish. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"You don't deserve to me here, you useless bitch."

I said nothing, not trusting my words, knowing that they'll meaning nothing and do nothing but cause me more trouble. 

I stare as Mother walks forward dropping the bundle of white lilies. Did they even know them? He hates lilies, ever since the day he picked one and got stung by a bee. It came so fast; my thoughts were on a tangent as my cheek stung.

I felt her hands on my shirt, and she grips them, "It should have been you! It should have been you!"

My face hangs as the cold wind blows, looking up at the sky I notice a bundle of clouds roll in. It was sunny a minute ago, when did it get so dark.

Without even noticing, I felt her hands wrap around my neck. She squeezed, looking at her he shook with fury in her eyes as my father held the same anger in his eyes as he spits his insults at me. That I would pay, and I shouldn't be alive.

All of a sudden she got pushed away from me. My eyes widen at the sight of curly hair from a familiar frame. Like a spark in the night, the sun shined through the dark clouds as Andre fades stood there protectively in front of me.

We were frozen still, waiting, watching in pure shock. He turned around, getting a good look at his face tears falls from my eyes. This is a dream; this has to be. He reached out, placing his hand on my cheek, the pain on the other side, and my neck fade. As if he was healing me, he was, wasn't he.

He gave me one of his killer smiles before he began to slowly fade away. He utters her last words as his voice ring through the air, "I love you too!"

Then he was gone, as the sky slowly but surely peaked through specs of light from the sun. I stand straight, tears falling, looking down at my parents; they are just as shocked as me. The pain is gone, there baffled. That's enough for me to know that what just happened wasn't a dream. 

Feeling a sense of strength and happiness, knowing that Andre is never too far, I look down at them with a new sense of pride and wrath. "Leave."

The jump back, I felt as if he was speaking with me; they scramble but run out of the cemetery in fear. 

As soon as they're gone, I fall to my knees and let the tears roll down my cheeks and land on the ground. Hugging myself I smile at the tomb, "Thank you so much."

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