Chapter 22 - Yearn

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Annika POV

After a long and tiring trip, Toya's fate has finally been sealed. Due to his cooperation with giving any and all information involving this uprising group, constant watch, and constant debate about his fate, it has been decided.

His want of turning over a new leaf has swayed them with the information given; he even was able to spy and infiltrate their base. Sadly they escaped before they could catch this group, but it led them one more step closer to where they were before. 

Personally, for Toya, his view on heroes was tainted, but he is willing to go down a different path thanks to the light that was shared with him. He will be in his own personal jail and rehabilitated until further notice. Until he can be trusted in society and on his own. He will be hidden from the world and classified as dead and watched by several guards. 

The only ones allowed to come in are a few heroes, Aoki, Shima, and I. 

His cell isn't the traditional one; it kinda reminds me of his mother's hospital room. His walls are painted white along with his bed, sheets, desk, chair, and couch. He has a lamp and small windows around the top of the wall near the ceiling that goes around the room. He has a little bathroom station with a rack on top with a thin white curtain—one for the tub and the other for the toilet.

Everything is fireproof, and there are certain things in place if he gets out of control. Holding a cold bowl of Soba, I sit down on the couch, smiling as he eats it calmy. I can't help but admire his white hair, one of the things that were cleaned before he was placed in here. I hold the other bowl on my lap, knowing he will want seconds.

Kicking my feet, I tell him about America, wanting to promise to bring him along when he's allowed to go. Pushing the bowl, I walk over to him, placing the other on the table. He eats it happily, "I bet this placed food isn't as good as mine."

He hums in agreement as he slurps the noodles, "So I'm glad you can finally eat it again; next time, I'll bring some other food for you too try! If you have any suggestions, just tell me so I can make it!"

He hums once more as he continues to eat, completely engrossed in the flavors I chuckle a bit as he finishes up. Drinking the broth, he stacks the bowl on top of the other and sits back on his desk chair. 

Seeing some paper and a pen, I smile; he must have taken up writing; I wonder if he'll show me one day.

Smiling at him, he clears the silence in the room as he runs his hand through his hair. 

"I'm ready."

My eyes widen a big, "A-are you sure?"

He looks at me and nods slowly; you could see he was hesitant but was determined and ready for this moment. Nodding, I stand from my seat and walk over to him. 

"Once I do this, there's no turning back."

He nods, "I know; I think it's time for me to move forward."

Smiling proudly at him, I nod before placing both of my hands on his cheeks. Using my powers he begins to glow as his burns fade and heal, his color comes back and the staples on this body fall off. 

Once done, I feel a bit weak, but I stand strong as I take a step back. "It's done."

Standing, he looks down at his hands, his arms see the clear skin his eyes begins to water. As he walks to the mirror slowly, the staple falls through his clothes and on the floor. Looking at the mirror, he stares at himself in shock. Touching his face softly, he speaks softly.

"The pain. It's gone."

Smiling at him, he turns to me and smiles a bit, seeing his glossy eyes he legs grow weak. I rush over to him, helping him stand. As he crumbles, he pulls me into a hug, letting his head rest on my shoulder, he begins to break down.

"Thank you."

I wrap my arms around him, allowing him to release all his emotions. I know he yearned for more, and now it was coming his way. 

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