Chapter 2 - Touch

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Annika POV

Waking up with the sun hitting my face, I yawn. Taking in my surroundings, I look down at the sleeping child. I smile; observing his features, I shake my head a bit, "He needs some Vaseline."

It's obvious that it's an effect of his quirk, and luckily I have some lying around. Getting out of bed, I stretch before heading to my bathroom to freshen up a bit. Stepping into the kitchen, I make some breakfast, humming a sweet tune as I cook some fluffy pancakes.

Hearing the pitter-patter of small footsteps, I turn to see Shimura looking so cute in my shirt. It's so big on him, with his shaggy hair and cute eyes, perfection. I smile at him, "Morning, breakfast is almost done, so you can sit in the dining room.

He nods slowly before walking away silently. Plating the foo, I add a slice of butter on top. Pouring him some milk for him and juice for me, I set it on the table, "Thank you for the food."

Shimura stares before clapping his hands together. Unfamiliar with the dish, he picks up his fork and pokes it. Giggling, I walk over, cutting his food so he can eat it better. Sitting back down, he starts to pop one in his mouth. Liking the taste, he starts to take down more at a faster rate. I laugh, "Slow down, or you're going to choke. You haven't even tried it with syrup yet~" He tilts his head, pouring a little, he takes another bite with the sticky sauce. He remains expressionless until he takes it down at a faster rate, making me laugh.

Stopping, he looks up at me, smiling at him, "Don't mind me, enjoy, I made extra, so if you're still hungry, then you can have seconds."

Nodding, he continues to eat, drinking some milk; he looks at me, waiting patiently. Chuckling, I take his plate, giving him two more. Cutting it, I pour the syrup, pouring more milk he eats calmly.

I continue to eat, shortly interrupting the silence. "Ok, today's agenda is to get you some essentials. A toothbrush, clothes, stuff like that. You can stay in my shirt since I forgot to wash your clothes."

Taking his empty plate and cup, he stares, watching my every move. Putting the dishes away; I turn to him. "Come on; you can hang out in my room while I get ready."

Slipping off the chair, he follows me to my room, plopping on my bed. Getting some clothes, I change in the bathroom, just a shirt and some tights. Exiting, I smile at him; seeing a bit of syrup on his cheek, I get a wet cloth and wipe his face.

"Come on, let's head out."

Following we slip on our shoes, holding out my hand for him, but he doesn't take it. Thinking for a moment, I pick him up; he's surprised at first but keeps his hands to himself. Holding him close, I don't falter as we walk through the busy city.

Heading to the nearest clothing store, we get to work; after getting his measurements, I don't hold back. All different styles, occasions, and colors since I don't know exactly what he likes. Letting him change in the bathroom, I carry the bag full of clothes in one arm and the blue-haired boy in the other.

Making out way to the convince store, I notice him staring at the wall of hero posters at a local shop. I smile a bit, 'He likes heroes.'

Walking past the shop, we head into the store a couple of minutes down. Getting him some hygienic essentials, I thank the shop keeper. Heading back to the small shop, I walk in, letting Shimura down.

Picking up a small basket, he looks up at me, confused, "Let's get some stuff; you can get anything you want."

He seems taken back but nods slowly, looking around; he walks slowly, allowing me to follow him. Stopping in front of some posters, he points at the one he wants. Picking up the roll, I pop it in the basket; looking back at me, I nod, signaling him to continue.

This continues for a while; the basket wasn't nearly full, but inside were a few figures, posters, a sweater, and a cup. Paying for it, I hold out my hand, he's still uncomfortable. Understanding, I pick him up, humming a tune, we head back to my place. Putting him down, we take off our shoes; looking at Shimura, he points to the hallway.

"Let's get you settled in."

Following me, I start to put his clothes away and his essentials in the bathroom next to him. As he sits on the bed, I pull out the bag of Hero merch and toys. Pulling out his poster and some tape, I smile.

"Let's decorate the place; this is your room, after all."

I walk to the nearest wall, "How about here?"

He just stares at me; getting excited, I go to a different wall, "Or here!"

I do this for a while before stopping at the wall in front of the bed; he nods his head. Smiling at him, I tape up his poster. Spreading the others out, he stares at them. Taking the bag, I grab his attention.

"Come on; you can play with your toys in the living room while I make us some lunch."

Nodding, he hops down, following me; I help him unbox everything. Taking his cup to wash and use, I turn on the Tv to play some cartoons before heading to the kitchen. Everything seems peaceful until I hear some commotion. Rushing over I see him hyperventilating, I look down to see his toys halfway decayed.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok, listen to my voice. Breath in and out, in and out."

Focusing on my voice, he does as I say, calming down slowly. Smiling at him, I toss it in the trash, "Don't worry, I'll get you a new one."

Bending now next to him, I pick up another toy. He doesn't want to touch it; he's scared he'll destroy it. Having an idea, I feel a bit foolish for not thinking of it earlier. Holding out my pinky, I give him a goofy smile, "Pinky up!"

He looks at my hands and copies me; picking up his toy, I make sure my pinkies up. "If you feel like you'll destroy it, then put a finger up, put a pinky up. That way, it won't break."

He nods slowly, handing him the toy. He keeps his finger up and begins to move it around. Making us some grilled cheese sandwiches, I place them down on the living room table. Looking at Shimura, he seems mesmerized at the superhero cartoon.


He turns his head to me, "Lunch is ready."

Walking over, he gets on the couch; noticing his superhero cup, filled with water, he picks it up pinky and all. While he watches cartoons and eats his sandwich, I look at mail from yesterday. Seeing a coupon magazine on bulk items, I have an idea; calling in the order, I smile.

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