Chapter 6 - Sorrow

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Annika POV

"Thank you so much, Yosuke! I couldn't have gotten there without you."

"No problem, but before you go I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, what's up."

"Are you f-"

I hear Shimura call out my name, "Hold on really quickly."

I hold the phone, "Yes?"

Holding up one of his snakes he asks politely, "Can you help me open please."

Nodding I take it, opening it with ease, handing it back to him he thanks me before running off. Getting back on the phone I smile, "Yosuke? You still there?"


"So what do you want to ask me?"

He remains silent for a bit, "I just wanted to ask if you're going to enroll Shimura into school."

My face brightens up, "Now that I have all the paperwork, yeah! I'm really excited for him to get enrolled and make some friends."

"That great, I gotta get back to work. Petrol and all, call me if you need anything."

"Of course, bye Yosuke."


Hanging up, I slip my phone into my pocket, heading to Shimura's room. Peaking through I see him reading a book on his bed. "Shimura~"

Looking up at me I continue, "How do you feel about going to school? You can make friends your age and learn new things." 

He thinks for a moment then smiles, getting excited, I jump around a bit, "Great, you'll start next week. Oh, and before I forget, you'll be staying with me from now on. I'm officially your guardian."

Not even a second passes before Shimura hugs my leg, bending down I hug him back. Knowing that he's so happy about it warms my heart. After the whole ordeal, I was able to enroll him in a school a block away. The first day came, the night before we set out his clothes and packed his bag. 

After having his favorite, pancakes we walk to school, bidding him farewell I watch him rush inside so he won't be late. I can't wait to see him after school, actually, I'll bake him some cookies to celebrate.

Heading to the store, I pick up some extra ingredients. Finally back home I take a cat nap before waking up and start baking. Smiling at the end result, I place them on a plate. Checking the time, I head back to the school, hearing the bell ring I wait outside. Seeing the other kids run to their parents I see Shimura walking in the back.

I frown a bit, not being able to see his face. Bending down to his level I raise up his chin to see his swollen cheek. "Shimura what happened!"

He mumbles under his breath, I tilt my head, "Shimura?"

Speaking up a bit, only for me to hear him mumble, "I want to kill them."

It finally clicks, "They bullied you, they hurt you. Come on."

Grabing his hand, I pull him gently to the park nearby. Sitting him down next to me, I remain scilent. 

"Shimura? Do you see that old lady over there?"

I watch him look up, making me continue, "She looks happy, doesn't she? I've been living here for a while and I recently found out her husband passed away. They would spend hours talking and walking through the park. Now she sits alone, keeping a brave face while fighting the sorrow so clear in her eyes."

He remains scilent, "Sometimes people mask their pain with a smile, other times they do so by hurting others. You shouldn't wish death on others, because their time will come one day. Those boys had no right to hurt you, no right to treat you like dirt."

He speaks up, "They said my quirk was a villain's quirk and that I will never be a hero."

I scoff, "Well there stupid, no quirk is defined by good or evil, it all depends on there user. You are already more of a hero than they'll ever be because you save a hero yourself."

He looks up at me confused, "I probably should have told you this before, but I'm a former hero. I retired a while back but my name was Healing Grace, the rescue hero who could heal any wound. How wrong were they."

I chuckle a bit, before continuing, "When I was caught in that burning building you rushed in like a hero would and saved my life. Despite the odds and despite your quirk, you used it for good and saved me. That's how I know that what they say is complete bullshit. Don't let them bring you down because they're just jealous that they might never reach the top as you will. Got it?"

He smiles at me and nods slowly, "Good, now come on, I have some cookies waiting for you at home. Plus I think it's time to add to you're training."

Heading home, he eats the sweets happily, drinking my glass of milk happily I smile. "Ok, let's start training, this time we're going to learn self-defense."

He tilts his head a bit, "Self-defense?"

I nod, "Those bullies knocked you down and hurt you, you need to know how to defend yourself without your quirk. We'll start small, basic stuff that can help you get out of a bind and how to deal with an adult if they try to hurt you. Once you master that and your other training we can practice with your quirk."

He nods, standing he does the same, moving the couch and table to the side I stand in front of Shimura. Getting him in position, I instruct him on basic defense. Teaching him how to outsmart his opponent and used their weaknesses against them. I teach him how to read blind spots and how to stay quick on his toes. Finsihing the lesson on basic weaknesses that he can aim at adults, I explain to him that we'll learn that in depth a little later. Getting him ready for bed, I tuck him in, before bidding him goodnight.

The next day when I picked him up I watched him run towards me with a wide grin. "Hey, Shimura! I see that you had a better day at school."

He nods, 'Yeah! They tried to hit me but I dodged them! One of them fell and his friend tried to fight me but the teacher saw and they got in trouble!"

I chuckle a bit, "That's my boy!"

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