Chapter 1 - Tears

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Annika POV

I hum a tune as I slip my wallet into my bag. On my way home my thoughts drift to my life. It's been peaceful since I retired from being a hero in the states. Loving the Japanese culture, I decided to move here to start a new chapter. My thoughts grow darker, thinking of those I couldn't save, of him...

Slapping my cheeks I snap out of it. Walking past an ally, I see something in the corner of my eye . Stopping, I walk backward slowly, seeing a small child sitting by himself.

I walk over, speaking up so I don't scare him, "Um, hello? Are you ok?"

He begins to shake, looking up at me, eyes so dead you would have thought he was a corpse. I can't help but smile a bit. I pull him close, giving him a warm hug, "Come on, I'll take you to my place; we can start from there."

Shaking a bit, he holds on to me tightly as I continue home. Checking my mail, I look at the yellow envelope. Must be another case the agency wants me to look into. Tossing it down on the table, I sit the little boy on the couch gently.

Putting the groceries away, I try getting him to talk, "So what's your name?"

Hearing nothing but silence, I think for a bit, he might be hungry. Boiling soup, something light, I place it down before him. With a cup of water soon following I soak in his features. He looks a little dehydrated, tired, tense. Placing a spoon down for him, he looks at it, then up at me. Taking the spoon, he eats the food silently; seeing this as progress, I pick up the file and read it.

Sometimes I get mail from hero agencies to be on the lookout for killers or villains. While I can fight, I'm usually called for emergencies involving the injured. Although I try to avoid it altogether due to personal reasons.

Seeing the file, it seems like a whole house was disintegrated, leaving little behind. They're still trying to identify if there were any bodies in the accident. So far, it seems as though that's that case since there unable to find the family anywhere else. Looking at the boy, I smile as he comes close to the end of his soup.

Looking over, there seemed to be a family that lived there with a list of names and pictures. Seeing the black haired child, I look up at the boy before me. Seeing the striking similarities, the only difference is his hair. I know that high amounts of stress can cause hair color to change, but this is drastic.

He must have witnessed their deaths, I don't know how long he's been wondering, but he won't be leaving anytime soon. Watching him drink some of his water, he takes down the last bit of soup.

"Do you want some more?"

Startling him, I watch as the spoon decays, he grows scared, so I try to calm him down. "Hey, it's ok, it's ok. This is your quirk; you'll learn to grow with and control it. Some can be a bit scary at first, but I promise this is normal. Would you like some more food?"

He looks up at me and nods slowly; smiling at him, I head to the kitchen, getting more soup for the boy.

"Here you go."

Placing the new spoon in the bowl, he takes it hesitantly, focusing on his food. From the way his spoon decayed and the pictures from his home, it's safe to assume that he is the cause of this destruction and most likely his family's death.

Looking at his weak figure, I frown a bit, knowing that he didn't mean it. Now the real question is, what do I do with him. Contemplating, I smile a bit, 'I'll keep this my little secret; I doubt taking him to a bunch of strangers is safe. And when he's ready, we'll move forward from there.'

"Tenko Shimura."

He looks up at me, confused and shaken up, "My name is Annika Reign, and you'll be staying with me for a while."

He nods; I get up, getting him some more water, "Drink up; you look like you haven't had a drink in ages."

Taking down the water slowly, I smile, looking out the window to see the sun going down. "Let's get you cleaned up and off to bed; we'll go get you some supplies tomorrow and settle you in."

Placing my hand on his head, I lead him to the bathroom. Cleaning him up, I slip him in one of my shirts.

Taking him to the guest bedroom, I turn on the light. Taking in his surroundings I lead him to the bed and tuck him in. He seems on edge, but I sit beside him. "I'll leave the light and the doors open, I'll be in the room across from you, so if you need anything, then you can walk over."

He nods slowly, laying his head down along with his guard; he slowly drifts off to sleep. Changing into my nightclothes, I get comfortable in bed, turning off the light and drifting off. Hearing a scuffle, I stir awake; sitting up, I see Shimura tossing and turning. Walking over to him, I notice his distressed features.

"Shimura! Shimura!"

He shoots up, looking around frantic, smiling at him; he starts to calm down a bit before tears run down his face. Trying to rub them away, I touch his little arms, pulling them down, he looks up at me. "It's ok to cry; you've been through a lot; you don't need to fight your tears."

Hearing my words, he breaks down, wailing in the lit room. Holding him close, he cries himself to sleep; deciding to stay with him, I lay on top of the blanket, drifting off to sleep.

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