Chapter 9 - Free

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Annika POV

Walking to the store with Shimura, he starts to tell me about school and some hero news. Listening while giving my intake on the matter, I comment on certain things. As I walk, I feel like someone is watching, like someone is lurking in the shadows.

Feeling someone approaching, I turn my head slightly, seeing pushing Shimura away as I get dragged in the darkness. "Run! Get to safety! Shi-"

I feel a cloth over my mouth and nose; the world grows fizzy as I see Shimura running off. Everything goes black.

Shimura POV

Running into the busy street, I make my way to the one place I know I'll get help. Heading into the hero agency, I rush past the heroes trying to stop me. Rushing to the elevator, I smash the button, wishing it would go faster. Getting on the right floor, I see Yosuke sitting on his desk. 

I rush into the room, "Aoki-san!"

He looks up at me growing worried at my expression, "Shimura? What's wrong!?"

I rush up, "Someone took her! She's gone! I need your help! I-"

"Slow down, who's been taken?!"


His eyes widen, his bangs cover his eyes as his grip tightens on the papers he's holding. "I'll handle it."

Annika POV

Feeling a rush of cold water, my eyes shoot open, coughing a bit, I look up to see a man in a suit. I notice the red stains on his white dress shirt, making a chill go down my spine. "Hello, beautiful."

He leans in, sniffing my neck a bit, pulling back I feel pain shoot through my arms. Seeing how tightly I'm tied up, I can already see the bruises coming on. I glare at him, "What do you want!?"

He chuckles darkly, "It's no about what I want; it's about what my boss wants."

I scoff, "I want someone to heal then find a fucking doc-"

He punches me across the face; shocked, I shake it off, glaring at him. "He said to use any methods to persuade you to join him, to join us."

I laugh, "You think I'm going to join you? That's funny; you bitch ass moth-"

He grips my neck tightly, looking into his eyes; they seem crazed, "I'm going to enjoy breaking you."

Feeling my air slip away, he lets go making me breathe heavily; walking over to the desk across from me, he takes out his tools. Seeing the various torture devices, I let my head hang. Chuckling, I smile a bit, "Ooo, kinky~."

Without a second thought, I feel something sharp run down my arm. Holding back my yelp, he keeps cutting, going deeper with each cut across my body. I listen to his words as he looks through his tools, "You know, he believes that with the right push, you'll be able to unlock the true potential of your quirk. Rebirth is what he wants to call it, he believes you can pull life back into a dead body no matter what the circumstance."

Pulling out a device, he grows excited, "I don't think it's possible, but who knows, quirks can be a funny thing." 

Bending down, he hooks up two devices on each armrest; slipping my finger in, I quickly begin to realize its purpose. 

He leans close, "So, wanna join? It will take save me some time and you some pain."

Spitting in his face, I frown, sitting up slowly to whip his cheek. Slamming his hand on the device, I bite my lip holding back my scream as a nail gets ripped from my finger. 

"How about now?"

"Fuck you."

He does it again; I curl my toes, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. 


I remain silent, not trusting my voice; he does it again; I swallow my scream.


Again, "Now?" Again, "Now!"

I say nothing giving him my answer as tears threaten to fall; he keeps hitting the button, making the machine pull off layers of bloody skin, screaming over and over.

"Now? Now? How about now? Maybe now?"

As a tear finally falls from my face, he seems to snap out of it, "Oops, sorry, I forgot you have another hand."

Do the same to the other I can't help but whimper a little after his 'now fest.' He stops as I mumble under my breath. He leans in, "What was that?"

I mumble a bit louder, "Sorry, can't hear you~."

"No, I'm not joining you."

He crosses his arms, "That's too bad, well more fun for me!"

Walking over with large strides, I take a deep breath getting prepared for what's coming next. While choosing a tool, his phone rings, "Yes? Ok, I understand."

Handing up her turns to me, slipping on his coat before leaning close to my ear, "I'll be back tomorrow, beautiful."

Not looking at him, I hear his step fade away, and the door open and close. Taking a deep breath I look at my fingers, seeing the blood on them I tilt my head back and smile a bit. "At least he's safe."

That was the only thing keeping me going, the thought that Shimura was safe, that he's out there in one piece. My kidnapper would continue to torture me, trying to find different ways to bend and break me but I wouldn't crack. He even tried to use Shimura against me, but I spite him, saying that Shimura would never join nor get captured by him or his organization. I knew deep down it was a possibility, but I've seen the progress he's made; I know he'll be able to get away; he has a better chance than I ever had. 

Coming in another day, I stare blankly at the boarded windows. The light touched my bruised skin as the fresh mixed in with the dried. "Are you ready for another day? Or will you just accept my offer?"

"Over my dead body."

He smirks "Suit yourself."

Walking over to me with a hammer, I brace myself for the impact. All of a sudden, the same windows burst open,  along with the door. Surrounded by heroes, I keep my head down, 'I'm finally free.'

Seeing his figure get slammed onto the ground as he gets restrained, I felt the tight rope come undone. 


Falling forward, I get caught by a warm pair of arms; I look up, "Y-Yosuke?"

He smiles down at me as his eyes water; I feel my heart swell.


I turn my head to see Shimura; he rushes over to me, tears falling down his eyes. Giving him a soft smile, I try to whip my tears, "H-hey, don't cry, I'm ok."

He cries even harder, Yosuke does the same, fighting the pain I sit up a bit, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm ok, everything is going to be fine, I'm finally free."

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