Chapter 14 - Healing

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Annika POV

The boys kept watching over me like I was a cracked piece of glass. While I appreciate the care and love, I can't help but grow tired of being treated as such. I can't change the situation, so I decided to continue forward after putting that bowl away. 

Despite the pain, I felt I kept a smile on my face and a pep in my step. It felt like a lie, but you know what they say, sometimes you gotta fake it until you make it. Shima finally left the house and returned to his home while Aoki returned to work as always.

While both prefer me to avoid going to the store with Dabi on the loose, I ignore their words. It's one of the only times I have to get some fresh air, so I slip on my shoes and head out. Buying a pack of thinly sliced meat for dinner, I make my way back. 

Hearing the sound of screaming, I rush to the scene to see an injured old man. I rush over, bending down, "Don't worry, sir! I'll heal you!"

Healing him quickly, I wrap my arm around him to help him up. Hearing the sound of snapping, I feel a sudden rush as I get pushed forward. Turning around to see the broken piece of the building above, I smile kindly at the old man.

He smiles up at me, "Thank you, miss!"

I shake my head, "It's no problem at all!"

Sending him off, I give him one last look before picking up my bag of meat. Seeing a bundle of red, I turn my head to see a blond man with large red wings. He looks about Shuma's age. 

"Are you ok miss?"

I nod my head before a comfortable silence falls between us. He gives me a calculating stare before smirking softly, if that's even possible.  

"May I walk you home?"

I smile softly, "Sure."

Landing beside me, a comfortable silence sits as we walk side by side; I observe him, watching as he saves the people from afar with his feathers. I smile at the sight, finally making it back. I turn and smile at him. 

"Thank you for saving me today..."

"Keigo, call me Keigo."

"Thank you, Keigo."

Watching him fly off, I close the door behind, wondering if the winged hero and I will meet again. Shrugging my shoulders, I make my way to the kitchen to start prepping for tonight. 

Days go by, and I can't help but feel like someone is watching me. I've always kept weapons scattered around my home, but the pair of eyes don't seem dark. Shaking it off, I start the pot for dinner, Shima's coming over, and he's bringing a friend, so I can't help but get excited. He doesn't usually bring his friends over, nor talks about them. I wonder if this is his first friend!

Hearing the doorbell ring, I turn to Aoki, "Can you take over for me?"

He nods happily while I head over to the door. Opening it, I smile at the blue-haired boy, "Welcome home, Shima!"

Then a mop of blond pokes his head in, recognizing him. I smile, "Good to see you again, Keigo." 

Shima raises an eyebrow, "You've met?"

I nod, letting them come in, "Yes, he saved an old man and me from getting crushed, I wasn't fast enough, but he was."

He nods, "That's good to know, but why were you even out."

I start to sweat; clearing my throat, I pout a bit, "Shima, I'm a grown woman, and if I want to go out, I can."

He chuckles, "That doesn't answer my question."

I turn my head, as he begins to scold me, "You have to be more careful, you should have waited for Yosuke to return before you went out."

I turn my head, indicating that his words were going through one ear and out the other making him sigh. "I just want to make sure you're safe, Annika."

I turn to him, sighing in defeat, "I know, but I can take care of myself; I've taken plenty of punches before, so stop worrying yourself so much."

He nods softly, clapping my hands together; I smile at the two, "You two relax while Aoki and I finish up dinner; I'll call you when it's time to set the table."

Heading back in the kitchen, I calm down a bit, treading back to my little safe haven.

Shimura POV

Sitting on the couch, I take a breath as Keigo plops down next to me. He rubs the back of his neck, "You should put more faith in her, Tenko; I've been watching over her for a while, and she is well rounded and aware of her surroundings. You said she was a retired hero?"

I nod, "That doesn't mean anything; she can still get taken if someone overpowers her."

He hums in agreement, "Well, I'll continue holding up my end of our deal, I do owe you one after all."

I smile a bit, "Thanks, Keigo."

"Boys! Dinners almost ready!"

Standing, I start to set the table with the coming. Once done, we sit down at the sight of Yosuke and Annika come in with the trays of food. I hold back a laugh at the sight of Keigo drooling as the karaage (Japanese fried chicken) is set on the table alongside the steamed rice and green beans. 

She smiles at us, "Dig in!"

Wasting no time, all of us dive into the meal; I can't help but appreciate her skills in the kitchen as they did bring the warmest memories to my past. Seeing her and Yosuke get to know Keigo, I smile a bit to see healing, even if it's only a little bit. 

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