Chapter 5 - Save

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Annika POV

Seeing as I didn't turn into dust the other day, Shimura's training is paying off. It's time to upgrade his training materials, especially since we only have a couple of mugs left, and I would like to keep them since I don't have a lot to begin with.

Ordering another shipment of items, I open them to find Russian dolls, or at least something similar to that. "Shimura! It's time for training!"

Hearing his soft yet raspy voice, he answers, "Coming!"

Hearing his soft steps, I turn, smiling at him, I show him the doll. "We're upgrading from mugs and using Russian dolls this time."

Taking out each doll, he watches closely, counting every doll under his breath. Placing a penny in the smallest, I put them all back together. "You're goal is to destroy each one individually. It's going to take some practice, but I believe in you. We have plenty of dolls, and I can always get more."

He nods, staring at it; he tries only for all of them to disintegrate, leaving the coin. Giving him another, he does the same; after a couple of tries, we hit a breaking point. The last one, he destroyed the first doll without destroying the others. When he continues, he destroyed the other ones leaving the coin, but he made progress, and that's what matters.

Cheering him on, I shoot up, "Let's eat out today! I'll take you anywhere you want!"

He nods excitedly, "Go get your jacket; it's going to be chilly out."

Rushing to his bedroom, I pick up my sweater lying on the couch, slipping on my shoes, I watch Shimura rush out and slip on his shoes. Heading out, we walk around town hand in hand; feeling him shiver, I stop zipping his coat and pulling up his hood. 

Pointing at a restaurant with a flashy sigh, I look at the window to see a special name by a rising hero. Smiling at him, we pick out what we want, eating our food; I can practically feel the job radiating off of the boy. 

Eating my food, I look up at him, "Shimura, you can be whatever you want in your life; you just have to work hard to get it. No matter how high it may seem, don't let the world or yourself bring you down. You can be a hero; I just know it."

His smiles widen, making mine widen as well; finishing our meal, we head back home. Warming up to me, he starts to talk lightly about hero news. 

Looking forward, I see a crowd start to form; hearing a boom, I pull Shimura close. Looking up, I see a house on fire; running to the crowd, I hear someone yell, "They're still someone in there! Mikami and her children!"

Bending down, I look at Shimura, "Stay here, ok? I'll be right back."

Before he could answer, I rush in the flaming; I use my thick sweater to cover my nose. Calling out for Nikgami, I hear coughing. Seeing two kids huddling together, I rush over to them, "Hey, stay close to me."

Hearing more coughing close by, I pick up the two children running towards the sound; dodging the falling remains, I see a middle-aged woman coughing roughly. Looking up, she smiles at the sight of her kids; keeping them together, I get down with her. "Keep your kids close and follow me, ok!"

She nods, moving quickly; I keep them close as we try to go out the exit, only for it to cave in before us. I keep looking for an exit despite the odds. Finding one, I look up to see the ceiling cave, pushing the family out the way I cry out in pain. Seeing a little opening, I pull on my leg, "GO!"

They nod, rushing out, pulling my leg I try to move the log. 'I refuse to stay trapped in here!'

Shimura POV

Watching her rush in the fire I feeling something so familiar spread through me. I begin to think about my time with her, the smiles she brings, the food she cooks. All the fuzzy feelings that always spread through me when she holds me close.

Biting my lip, I notice the family come out from the side of the house. Not seeing Annika, I frown, then her words ring through my ear.

'No matter how high it may seem, don't let the world or yourself bring you down. You can be a hero; I just know it.'

I won't let this stop me; I won't let her die! How can I be a hero if I let Annika die! Running twords the family, I rush past them, seeing the opening. Touching the hot material, I watch it decay as I run through; seeing Annika struggle breaking free, I run to her.

She looks at me, shocked, "S-Shimura!? What are you doing here?!"

I look at her with watery eyes, "I'm saving you!"

Touching the rubble, it turns to dust, allowing Annika to break free. Seeing her bleed, she picks me up, rushing out of the home right before it collapses. Falling to the ground, I call out her name, "Annika! Annika!"

She starts to cough; before I can say anything else, I'm embraced in her warmth. "Thank you for saving me; I'm so proud of you."

Holding her tightly, I start to cry, letting everything sink in. Pulling apart, she wipes my tears, "Please don't be so reckless; I could have lost you."

Seeing her own eyes water, I nod slowly, making her chuckle, "In your defense, I was being reckless too, so I won't scold you too much."

Looking down at her leg, I speak up, "Annika, your leg!"

She looks down, allowing her hand to glow; she heals her wound with ease. Jumping up, she smiles down at him, "See! No harm done!"

I nod, whipping my tears, looking forward, I see her hold out her hand. Taking it, the sirens can be heard, leading me to the crowd of the fire department. Seeing the family from before, I notice a man holding them close. Walking over to them, the woman burst into tears, "Thank you for saving us; we wouldn't have made it without you."

Annika nods, "It's no problem at all, ma'am."

"H-how did you escape?"

Feeling her hand ruffle my hair, I look up at her proud expression, "This little hero rescued me."

The woman nods, smiling at me warmly; I return it, bidding them farewell we head home. I look down, noticing that our clothes are pretty dirty; Annika doesn't seem to mind as she picks me up and holds me tightly. Inhaling her scent, I drift off to sleep, letting tonight's excitement wash away.

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