Chapter 15 - Hate

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Annika POV

Sitting on a bench, I watch the world as a cool breeze hits my face. The pair of eyes I always feel seems to be away as I enjoy my alone time. Smelling the fresh scent of spice and crematorium, I frown. The warm air around me with the faint smell of burnt flesh only confirms who sits beside me.

"I'm sorry."

I remain silent as a static pain rings through his voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm hurt you, I'm sorry I betrayed you."

I sigh, "I want to forgive you, but I still feel it. A burning pain, but I understand that you have a mission and it seems like I'm a piece that needed to be thrown away."

"Maybe, maybe things would have been different if we met sooner. Don't you think?"

I smile a bit, "You would have been Shimura's big brother, you could have been in a home full of love. I don't regret meeting you through."

He seems surprised by this so I continue, "I'm glad I met you when I did, I'm glad I got to sever you food on that stormy day and the moments we shared even if they were small. Because in those small moments, I considered you as my own."

He remains silent, looking from the corner of my eye I see a single tear run down his face. 

"I'm sorry."

He tries to grab me but I jump back, landing on my feet as I look up at his tear-stained eyes. Looking up at me, he runs forward, but I attack him first; dodging every move, I find an opening. Grabbing his neck I toss him over me, turning I was as he rolls away on the dirt path. 

He gets up, as his tears continue to fall, "I guess, I should have used my quirk from the beginning."

Seeing a burst of white flames come at me, I run to the side, missing it by a hair. Turning to look at him, I see he's gone; I curse under my breath as I feel his hand over my mouth and throat. He leans in and whispers softly. 

"I'm sorry."

Then the world grows black.

Keigo POV

Finally having a break, I fly over some of Annika's favorite spots before heading to her apartment. Seeing a burnt villain hold her limp body, I send my feather down to attack him. Dodging it with ease, looking up at me I see a bundle of blue flames come my way.

Moving quickly, I keep attacking him, only for my feathers to be burnt to a crisp. Moving to close-range attacks he surrounds me with his flames, with the lack of feather I curse under my breath as I blow them away. Seeing him gone, I frown; pulling out my phone, I call Tenko.


"We have a problem."

Annika POV

Opening my eyes, I look around the dimly lit room. It looks like a warehouse but I could be wrong, looking forward I see Dabi sitting in silence. This feels all too familiar; it's safe to assume that his boss wants me. 

Frowning a bit, I speak up, "You don't have to do this."

He remains silent, so I continue, "You can let me go."

He says nothing, "You can let your past go."

He twitches a bit; I must have hit a nerve. 

"Whatever happened, you can't let it pull you down like this. You can be better; you don't have to do this. Let me go, and I can help you."

He stands, "You can't help me. I have a mission to complete, and I will complete it no matter what."

I let my head hand, "What happened? Who pushed you over the edge."

There a long pause before he answers with an angered voice, "My Father."

I look up at him, "You're Father?"

He turns, away from me, "One thing that I appreciate about you is that you never pushed me to tell you about my story when we first met. I felt safe and loved, something I haven't felt in a long time."

I remain silent as he releases a dark chuckle, "My real name is Toya Todoroki, the son of the number 2 hero Endeavor."

My eyes widen, "W-what happened?"

"He wanted to rival against All Might, he wanted the perfect hero, with the perfect quirk. I was a result of that attempt. He pushed his anger on his children and his wife, driving his family apart every day.  Seeing my blue flames, he took a chance on me; we trained every day, he would push me to the limit, which results in my current features. He thought I burnt to a crisp and died, I used this as my chance to escape, and when I did, I vowed to ruin him."

He laughs darkly, I could feel the pain, anger, and sadness spread within his tone. And it didn't stop there, he continued explaining his childhood and the torture he had to face.

Feeling tears run down my face, not knowing how he was able to handle it all. 

I found myself feeling a sense of hate towards the flame hero, knowing that Toya's pain could have been avoided altogether if things were different.

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