Chapter 21 - Years

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Annika POV

Looking at the sunny sky, I lean against the balcony as the wind blows through my pink sundress. 

"Babe! We're ready!"

Turning, I see the boys dressed and ready for the day, I smile at the two. "Great! I'm driving!"

Walking in front of them, they plop in the car. "First stop, the store!"

Driving to the nearest store, we get some premade food and snacks for today's first activity. Grabbing some of Andre's favorites, we head to check out, Shima grabs some different candies to try, and I can't help but laugh at his expression every time he sees a new one. 

With the bags of food, I take out the basket from the back, "Shima! You're on packing duty!"

He gives me a quick nod before I hop to the front and drive over to the cemetery. Parking on the side, I take out my change pouch and pop some change in the meter. By the time I'm done, the others come out as well. Smiling at the two, I lead the two through the cemetery. 

The wind blew softly, making me smile as the sun beamed down on my brown skin. I welcome it as it felt like a warm hug, filled with love and kindness.  

Standing in front of the tomb with the two, I smile. "Andre, meet Shima and Aoki, my son and husband. Shima, Aoki, meet my twin brother Andre."

They both bow, "Nice to meet you."

Sitting down, both follow suit. Taking the basket, I begin to speak with Andre, "I told you yesterday that I was bringing them along. And since we usually eat and talk, I thought it would be nice to have a picnic under the shade. I brought your favorites."

Passing out the food while setting down his next to his flowers, we dig in. Sharing stories and spreading laughter, we reminisce on the past. Shima and Aoki kept teasing me about how dense I was towards Aoki's feelings. 

I tried to explain that I didn't get a lot of attention from the opposite sex growing up but that only pushed their teasing. Shima laughs at Aoki's words, "Oh, the poor souls who tried to grab your attention growing up."


I feel my cheeks heat up as we laugh together; hearing a soft laugh, I stop laughing and look at the tomb. Feeling someone smile at me, Shima touches my shoulder, "Hey, what's wrong?"

I shake my head, smiling a bit, "It's nothing."

We continue to tell little stories right before Shima goes on a tangent about his journey in America. As he spoke, I couldn't help but hear subtle chuckles from time to time. I smile, feeling a sense of warmth when I do. The picnic came to an end, with a long day ahead of us and a certain amusement park waiting for us; I hold the basket as the two walk in front of me. Stopping, I turn around to see Andre giving me a proud smile; I return it, "I'll see you again!"

The boys turn around as I walk past them, the shocked expressions on there face says it all as he speaks his last words once more, "See you again, take care."

Hearing their hurried footsteps, Aoki steps forward, "Who was that!?"

I turn to him, giving him an innocent smile, "My brother, of course."

Both freeze as he speaks slowly, "But he's dead."

I nod, "Yup."

"Then how-"

Shima's eyes sparkle, "We just saw his spirit?! He's a ghost!"

I nod, "I think so; I thought it was a trick of the light, but..."

I touched my neck, "He healed me; it had that sunny warmth and yellow glow. He protected me too, from falling into darkness."

That was enough for both of them to smile at me and nod. Returning to the car, we drive off to Six Flags, Shima was ecstatic, and he had a lot of fun despite the fact he threw up a bit after the last roller coaster.

Some days pass, and we return to Japan; giving my farewell to Andre, I promise to visit more often and make a shrine for him back at home. Like promised, I place a shrine for him in the living room so his spirit may rest safely here. I put all his favorite stuff on it, along with his picture and some of our best memories. 

I must say, I haven't felt this way in years. 

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