Chapter 11 - Family

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Annika POV

Mixing the batter, I sing the song lightly playing in the background; it was one of the favorites that I used to listen to growing up. "These buildings could drift out to sea, some natural catastrophe, still there's no place I'd rather be, cause nothing even matters to me."

Rocking back and forth, I place the mixture on the baking sheet before plopping it in the oven. Hearing the door ring, I quickly wash my hands, "Coming!"

I hum softly, "I hope Shima is having fun."

Looking through the peephole, I smile before opening the door, "Hey Yosuke, what's brings you here? I thought you were busy with work?"

He rubs the back of his neck, smiling down at me, "I wanted to check up on you; I brought some tea and some snacks too."

I move to the side, letting him come in. Closing the door behind him, I make my way to the kitchen, feeling his presence close behind. "I just popped some Cinnamon Twist in the oven. So some tea seems perfect right about now!" 

Putting the ingredients away, I hear Yosuke put some stuff away as well. Placing the dishes in the sink, I start to get the water ready. 



"I n-need to tell you something, it's important."

Hearing his words, I turn off the water, turning around only to bump into a muscular chest. Looking up at Yosuke, I feel my face heat up as his own cheeks grow pink. Looking down at me, we stare at each other. The world around us begins to drown out; feeling his hands on my waist, I slowly begin to melt. 

Placing my hands on his chest, I lean down, placing a light kiss on my lips. Becoming putty in his hands, he pulls away slowly, "I love you."

Feeling my heart accelerate, I stare at him before getting on my tippy toes as place my lips on his once more. Tightening my grip on his shirt, our lips move in sync as he pulls me closer. Once our lips part, he smiles down at me.

Feeling a bit flustered, I place my hand in the crook of his neck, smiling from ear to ear. Keeping his hold on me, I hear some sizzling. Snapping out of it, I jump up a bit, "The twist!"

Hearing his laugh a bit, I panic as I take out the hot tray. Checking the pastries, I sigh in relief, looking back at him. I feel my cheeks heat once again, seeing the pure joy and adoration dancing on his features. I smile at him, falling into his chest and breathing in his scent. 

This was what consisted of my days away from Shima, he spent the night, and we talked enjoyed each other's presence like we haven't seen each other in years. On the day of Shima's return, we all decide to cook dinner together. My heart swelled as they laughed together, feeling this sense of family in the air let me know that this is my life, this is my story unfolding into a bundle of light. 

Time continued to flow steadily, growing closer to the never-ending future. With Yosuke and I growing closer and Dabi maintaining his monthly visits, Shima grows stronger every day. With junior high officially ending, he enrolls in UA. With recommendations from Yosuke and I, he decides he wants to earn his way in and take the exams. Respecting his wishes, I send the message to Principal Nezu. 

With us helping him train and the help of many of the heroes in Yosuke's agency, I have pure confidence that he will pass with flying colors. Along with his training, Yosuke steadily moved in with us; Shima didn't mind, which gave me a sense of relief because I want him to be comfortable as well. 

The day finally came, bidding him farewell, and later on Yosuke so he can go to work, I head to the store to pick up some extra ingredients for dinner. I know both are going to be tired when they get home. 

With everything I need, I rush back to get everything set up. So excited I dance around, I start to prep the food. Hearing the door unlock, I hear the sound of a deep raspy voice, "I'm home!"

Smiling, I cleaning my hands and dry them off; waking over, I greet Shima, "Welcome home! How was it?"

He smiles softly, "Nothing I can't handle."

I chuckle, "I'm starting dinner now; Yosuke should be here in an hour or two. Want something to drink?"

He nods, "Yeah, that would be great."

Staring at him, I smile, walking over before ruffling his hair; looking up at me confused, I feel my eyes gloss in pride and love. "I love you so much, Shima."

He looks up at me, a bit taken back by my motherly words, "You've come so far, I know you'll reach the stars!"

Smiling, ne nods, placing my hands on my hips, I pair of arms wrap around me. Looking down at him I chuckle, before returning it. Letting go, I turn and head to the kitchen, "Whatcha in the mood for?" 

"Strawberry Milk, please."

"Coming right up!"

Getting him his milk, I continue to start dinner; focused on the words to the music lightly playing in the background, I chop the veggies before seasoning them a bit. Placing the veggies in the pan, I move them around as I lower the heat. Adding some more seasoning, I mix it up, watching it cook, adding some garlic and the meats I pour in the broth, slowly watching it fill the pot. Tossing the empty carton in the recycling, I continue I add some extra herbs to enhance the flavor. Letting it cook, I place the top on it. 

Feeling a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist, feeling his lips on my cheek, I smile. 

"Welcome home, Yosuke." 

"Your cooking smells delicious as always; what are you making tonight?"

I smirk playfully, "Something that will rival your Skewers~ Curry!"

I at him excitedly, making him smile cockily, "We'll have to see about that."

Placing another kiss on my cheek, he lets me go, "I'll go clean up."

I nod, "Oh, tell Shima to set the table, please."

He nods before disappearing into the living room. To say that the dinner was excellent would be an understatement; I could practically see the hunger in my boys after they took the first bite. 

A week or two passes by, and a letter comes in the mail for Shima. Walking to his room, I knock on his door, hearing a faint come in. Opening the door, I gave him an excited smile before trotting over and plopping the letter on his lap. 

He sits up, "This is it?"

I nod, "Yup! Yosuke, come here!"

Hearing his footsteps, I turn to see him look in the room, seeing the letter, he starts to get excited, "Is that it?"

He nods, "Well, open it!"

He grows nervous but takes out the letter; seeing a hologram, we see the Principal pop up in his furry glory. 

"Congratulations, Tenko Shimura! You have been accepted into UA!"

We drown out the rest of his words I, Yosuke, and I cheer excitingly; seeing the joy and shock on his face, I jump over to Shima, pulling him into a warm hug. 

"One more step closer to achieving your goal Shima! Whoohoo!"

Yosuke ruffles his hair, "Way to go, Shima! We're so proud of you!"

Seeing his eyes water, he smiles brightly.

I place my hands on my hip, "This calls for a celebration; we're eating out tonight! So get ready! We leave at sunset!"

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