Chapter 10 - Feeling

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Annika POV

It's been about a week since I got rescued, and along with Yosuke stopping by every day, Shimura has been extra protective. He won't let me go to the store without him or Yosuke by my side. He's been cook dinner because my body is still healing; even though he's learning and cooking basic meals, I have to help him season it sometimes.

No matter what I want to do, he won't let me do it; he's either afraid that I'll shatter like glass or get taken again. I can't even train with him, but it seems Yosuke has that covered because we would go out to the clearing to train almost every day. 

The two have gotten closer; it's nice to see Shimura so comfortable with him. It makes me happy to see the two bonding when I'm around. Some nights Yosuke would join us for dinner and spend the night on the couch. 

I offered him to take my bed inside, but he scolded me for offering such a thing when I'm weak myself. I've been healing myself, but it's harder than it looks due to me being weak along with my quirk, so I have to wait for some of my injuries out. 

On this Sunday afternoon, I sit on the couch, sipping my apple juice from my silly straw. 

Hearing the soft steps of Shimura, I notice the blank look on his face as he plops down next to me. Setting my cup down, I turn down the Tv, "What's wrong, Shima?"

He remains silent, then mumbles softly, "I don't want to lose you."

I smile softly, "Shima; you're not going to los-"

He cuts me off, "But I almost did! I saw you laying there, covered in blood, bruises, and cuts! What if I didn't make it! What if we were too late! I would have been too late! I would have lost you! Just like I lost them!"

He remains silent, eyes widened by his own words. I scoot over, wrapping my arms around him as he breaks down softly. "I know what happened that day."

He stops looking up at me in shock.

"You what?"

"I know what happened that day to your family."

"How do you-"

"I have my ways."

Placing my hand in his cheek, I pull him close into my warmth, ignoring the small pain through my body. "Shimura, I won't ever leave you. I won't breathe my final breath until I'm old, wrinkly, and gone. Because I want to watch you grow up, I want to watch you achieve your dreams. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if you start a family of your own one day."

He grips my shirt a bit as I continue, "I remember finding you all alone in that alley, I bet you were reaching out for anyone to help, but they all turned away. When I looked into your eyes, they seemed so familiar; they seemed lost. So I took you home and got you something to eat. Watching you so broken, tired, alone, I knew I was going to give you the warmth, hope, and love you need. I heard about what happened to your family, your old home, and I put two and two together. As soon as I saw how comfortable you were, I adopted you."

"Weren't you scared that I would..."

"Nope, not one bit. All I saw was potential, potential to do good in this world and be a beacon of hope. You proved it even more with your actions, determination, and growth."

He looks up and me and nods, "You know, you remind me of my mom. Even at her last breath, she came to help me."

I smile, "Want to tell me more about her?"

Nodding, he tells me about his family, his grandparents, sister, mom, and finally, his dad and his grandmother. Hearing about his dad, I frown, "If I saw him, I would have punched him so hard that his bones turned to dust."

Chuckling a bit at my words, I smile at the lightened mood. Ruffling his hair, I smile down at him. If your mom could see you, she would be so proud of you."

Smiling up at me, we hear the doorbell ring; Shima stands, "I'll get it."

Nodding, I sip some more of my apple juice; hearing Yosuke's voice, I smile a bit. "Hey Shimura, can you help me with the bags."

Nodding, he takes some of the bags, placing them in the kitchen. He walks over to the living room, giving me a warm smile; I return it, "Good to see you, Yosuke."

He blushes a bit, "Good to see you too."

We stare at each other before Shimura clears his throat, making me blush, "Want me to help with dinner, Aoki-san?"

He sits up straight, "Yeah, I'm going to need some help. Stay here, Annika; I'm going to make you one of my favorite dishes."

Nodding, I grow excited to see what it is.

Shimura POV

Hearing Annika turns up the Tv; I help put the food away while he gets the ingredients outs. "So when are you going to make your next move? Or am I going to have to help you every time?" Yosuke chokes on his saliva, looking at me with a beet-red face. 

Smirking devilishly, he rubs the back of his neck, "I don't know I thought it would be best to take things slow. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable and-"

"Stop being hesitant; Annika will follow your lead; just put yourself out there."

He looks at me and nods, determined, making me smile a bit. "I have a class field trip next week from Wednesday to Friday, Annika said she's going to be fine on her own, but I don't want to risk it. Take care of her for me; when I'm not around, I don't want anything to happen to her. I trust you."

There was a comfortable silence; looking at him from the corner of my eyes, I see the shock on his face. He nods, slowly processing my words, "Ok, I understand."

I continue to help him, making small talk as he keeps me updated on the latest hero news that hasn't come out yet. As he finishes up, I head to the living room to call Annika for dinner. Seeing her smiling softly as she slowly drifts off to sleep, I can't help but smile myself. 

"Dinners ready."

Shooting her eyes open a bit, she looks over and smiles excitingly, "Ooh, I'm so excited!"

Shooting up, she smiles, humming a tune. Walking into the dining room, I sit down next to her, carrying our bowls. Yosuke comes in with a smile. Placing the bowls down, I watch as Annika's eyes sparkle at the simple Japanese dish. 

"My favorite dish, Pork Cutlet Bowls!"

Digging in, I smile, loving the taste of the savory dish. Making small talk, I watch as Annika smiles at him, laughing. I smile a bit, having a warm feeling knowing that she's happy. 

She grabs my attention, "Shima! Remember that time when..."

The rest of the dinner was full of pure happiness and joy; I liked this, this feeling. 

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