Chapter 17 - Rindou

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Annika POV

Standing in front of the wooden door, I hold back my anger as I keep a pleasant smile on my face. All I want to do is have a nice chat with the family, that's all. Ringing the doorbell, a flaming red-head greets me.

"And who are you."

Looking up at him, all the peace and calm leave my body. A newfound strength is found when I ball up my fist and punch him in the face. A force so powerful, and he stumbles and falls back. On the ground, I look down at his shocked and confused expression. 

"Every time I see you, every time you come close, I will punch you so hard that you fall back thousand times over. I'll only do this despite the fact that it will never touch the surface or compare to what you've done to them."


I turn around to see a girl with white hair, a few red patches spread across her head as she looks at her father worriedly. 

I feel my eyes water as I look at her, "I'm sorry."

Her eyes widen as if she understands the meaning behind my words. Walking past her, I exit the property, heading to my next destination.

Stopping at the flower shop, I purchase a bouquet of Rindou's. Holding them close, I walk to the mental facility. Talking to the front desk lady, she leads me to Mrs. Todoroki's room. Knocking on the door, I hear a faint come in. 

Opening the door, I look at the woman with smooth white hair and grey eyes. "Oh, hello. And who might you be?"

I give her a soft smile, "My name is Annika."

Looking at the followers in my hand, her eyes widen, "Are you the one who gives me these?"

I shake my head, "No, I'm just a messenger. I will be doing so from now on since your gifter is a bit tied up." 

She smiles, "Thank you."

This became frequent; every couple of weeks, I would come to give her new flowers. I would sit with her and keep her company, even making her favorite foods and watching her favorite shows. 

She soon found out that I was the one who punched her husband across the face, but I was straight with her. "Well, someone had to do it, his smug face! Tch, equivalent to trash."

This shocked her at first, but then she burst out laughing; it was soothing yet free. It was then that I made sure to be her little haven as the days continued forward. Dabi's sentence was still under debate, I expressed to him that maybe if he shared his linage, he would get a lighter sentence, but he refused. Understandable, if I had the option, I wouldn't do it, but I can't help but forget that he is a criminal. That he killed people, innocent people.

Lives that can never come back, family ruined and broken much like his own. I may not be able to turn back time and change it all, but I see the love Mrs. Todoroki shares for her kids. She must have been pushed over the edge in the house because seeing her in this facility makes my heartache.

I want to wonder what life would have been like if things were different, but I already know how things would be better. Now I hope that Dabi will grow from this, and his father will see the error of his ways and see there's more to life than his career. 

Returning home after a long day and hoping I don't get a well-deserved assault charge, I step into the comfort of the warm house. Slipping off my shoes and hanging my jacket, I notice Shima sitting on the couch. The Tv wasn't on, and the room was quiet; he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.


Hearing his strained voice, I remain silent, "Why? Why did you stop me? Why would you want to help him when he's done nothing but give you grief! I've seen the tears you cry! I was there when you broke down! So why would you...why would you do it!"

By now, he's shouting, making the house shake as he stands only a foot away from me in pure rage, confusion, and sadness.

Placing my hand on his cheek, I smile softly, "Because I would do the same thing if the roles were reversed."

His eyes widen a bit, so I continue, "What is that day I didn't find you. What if someone picked you up and fed into your anger and grief, and you abandoned your dreams and became a villain. What if Dabi was running away from his past and bumped into me, and I took him in? What if you can stumbling by and I brought you in for some warm food on a stormy night? I could continue, but you get it, don't you? I would pull you down and pull you into the light; I would give you a second chance. That's why I did it."

Letting my hand fall, his hair covers his eyes, and he nods slowly, letting my words sink in. Leaning his head on my shoulder, he relaxes a bit; patting his back, I smile a bit as he speaks softly.


"Wanna help me with dinner? I've had a long day."

He nods slowly before heading, leaving me behind, "A second chance huh, maybe I deserved one too on that day.

Rindou symbolizes victory, accuracy, justice; loving someone who is full of sorrow; Lonely love, and chastity.

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