Part 26

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Jungkook's POV:
Okay, what I just did!? I kissed Jennie out of no where. It's not like I didn't like it or want it, but still kissing her all of a sudden was not good. What is she thinking of me? I already took her first kiss and now this. What if she started to hate me? Or worst, leave me? Oh no, what I do?! I can't lose her.

Jungkook was in his thoughts when Tae entered.

Tae: Jungkookie, why you look so frustrated?
Jungkook: nothing hyung.
Tae: come on tell me. I might help you.

Jungkook told him everything and Tae was shocked.

Tae: You kissed her?! (Loudly)
Jungkook: do you need mic to announce it? (Irritated)
Tae: sorry~ but really, you kissed her?
Jungkook: yes... I know I f*cked up. She might leave me. What do I do now?!

He runs fingers on his hair.

Tae: first tell me, why did you kiss her in the first place?
Jungkook: I don't know. It just happened. Maybe the moment took place.
Tae: it just happened. So you regret it?
Jungkook: no. Of course not. I kinda want it actually. (Honestly)

Tae gave a cheeky but soft smiled.

Jungkook: what?
Tae: you like her Jungkookie. (Smiled)
Jungkook: w-what?
Tae: you hear me right. You like her. (Confidently)
Jungkook: what are you saying hyung... (Nervously chuckled)
Tae: I am saying the truth. Kookie you are not type of a guy who plays around. I know how much relationship and love are important to you. You would never just kiss someone because the moment took place. You will only do that when you have feelings for that person.

Jungkook didn't say anything because at some point Tae was right.

Tae: you are quite. Which proves me right. Hmm?
Jungkook: okay fine. Yeah maybe, maybe I like... I like Jennie. What about her?
Tae: what about her?
Jungkook: hyung what if she doesn't like me back?
Tae: what she did after you kissed her? Or how did she react?
Jungkook: she kissed me back.
Tae: that means the feelings is mutual.
Jungkook: how can you sure about it?
Tae: a girl would never kiss back if she doesn't like him or something. Remember the time you kissed her, she didn't kissed you back.

Jungkook was surprised that Tae was saying facts.

Jungkook: so what should I do now?
Tae: went on a date with her.
Jungkook: what? Are you serious? I am literally embarrassed to talk her, how do you think I would ask her for a date? (Annoyed)
Tae: well as I said she likes you back, so it won't be that hard. Just talk to her. For my assumption, she must be embarrassed too.

Jennie's POV:
What have I done! I shouldn't have kissed him back. What he might thinking of me? Why didn't I control my feelings?! I looked like a desspo! He must be embarrassed, that's why he didn't come to the room yet. Why Jennie why?! Why you had to kiss him back?

Jennie heard door opening sound. She knew it was Jungkook. So she laid on the bed while covering herself with the blanket. She didn't want to feel him uncomfortable because of her.

Jungkook came in and saw Jennie lying in bed back facing him. He took a deep breath and laid on the bed back facing her. He was nervous to talk to her.

Jungkook: Jennie~ (softly called)
Jennie: hmm~ (respond)

Jennie didn't want to reply but she thought it would be rude.

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