Part 30

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Jimin: because she reminds me of Jihyo! (Loudly)
Jungkook: J? Why she reminds you of her?

Jimin was silent. But everyone was curious to know the answer. Specially Jungkook.

Jungkook: why are you quite? Answer me!
Jimin: there are lots of things that you shouldn't know about. (Coldly and left)

Jungkook was about to follow him but Namjoon stopped him.

Namjoon: not now Jungkook. It's not the right time. (Look at Jennie) Jennie take him home.

Jennie nodded and took Jungkook to their apartment.

The whole drive was silent. As they reached home they went to their bedroom. Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed where Jennie was standing. He was upset and sad for some reason.

Jennie: I'll bring you some water. (About to leave)

Jungkook hold her wrist to stop her and hugged her like a kid.

Jungkook: don't go. Don't leave me alone. (Sobbing)

He was afraid and scared, as if he had remembered something bad. Really bad.

Jennie: Jungkook baby~ I am right here.

Jungkook hugged her tightly as if she gonna fade away.

Jungkook: just don't leave me. I don't wannabe alone.
Jennie: (sat beside him) I am not going anywhere.

He broke the hug and looked into her eyes.

Jungkook: promise?

She smiled and nodded, which made Jungkook confident.

Jennie: I will never. (Softly.
Jungkook: I know you won't. (Confident)
Jennie: but Jungkook, I really want to know. Who is Jihyo?

Jungkook smile fade away and he looked down as if he was guilty for something.

Jennie: who is she? What is the connection between you and her and also with Jimin oppa?
Jungkook: Babe I don't want you to learn about her.
Jennie: why not Jungkook?
Jungkook: because I don't wanna lose you. I'll die, if you leave me.
Jennie: I will never. I love you. I can't even think to leave you.
Jungkook: I know but I am afraid. Because I know if you learn about the past and Jihyo, you will start hating me.
Jennie: (cupped his face) I will never do that. If you don't wanna tell than it's fine. I won't force you.
Jungkook: thank you. I love you.
Jennie: I love you too. (Hugged each other)

Jennie understood Jungkook and didn't force him. But she had to know the truth. She really needed to.

The same night

Jimin was in a sad mood. All the past memories were coming back. All those days he spent with Jihyo. All the love that he gave her. Her smile, laugh and giggles. All was coming. Special that day when he lost her. Forever. It was so much painful for him. All those memories were hurting him. Giving him pain.

Tears were coming from his eyes. To make his pain less hurting to manage, he started to drink. He had much of alcohol but still not enough to make his pain go away. Suddenly his door bell rang. He wiped his tears and opened the door.

Jimin: what are you doing here?
Tzuyu: it's rude to not let someone get inside.

Jimin didn't say anything and left from there but didn't close the door. Which means he didn't mind to get Tzuyu in. Tzuyu went in and close the door behind. She followed Jimin who was sitting and watching some photos adoringly. She sat beside him and saw the photos.

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