Part 4

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Jennie's POV:
I was sleeping in my room peaceful when I got a call. It was an unknown number. I picked it up and got to know that it was the number of BTS manager Sejin oppa's. I was surprised that he suddenly called me and told me to meet the president. Because he wanted to meet me. He told me to come over to BigHit. I got up, freshen up and ready to go there. Unnie wasn't home, she already left for her job. I went there and when I reached, I saw lots of people were standing there and asking questions. I didn't have any clue what was going on. Then a man called my name. "Ah! Jennie is here.", the man said with a big smile. Everyone looked at me. Then I saw Sejin oppa there beside the man. He smiled at me. I went to them and stood in front of the people. I saw Jungkook and Rosé there too. They were confused and as well as I. When I stood there the man suddenly said, "This is Jennie. Jungkook's girlfriend.". I was shocked. I didn't know what to say, I was super confused.

Everyone who were present there were shocked, except the manager and BangPD. They are normal and calm.

Reporter 1: how's that possible? We have so many questions and we want answers.
All the other reporters: yes! We want answers.
BangPD: I will but please remain calm.
Reporter 3: so you are saying this girl right over here is Jungkook's girlfriend.
BangPD: yes she is. Their in a relationship for 2 years now. Even yesterday Jennie was with Jungkook in the hospital. She even filled up the form. In there, it's well written that she is his girlfriend.
Reporter 2: what about Rosé? She was the one who was supported with Jungkook at the hospital.
BangPD: actually Jennie is a close friend of Rosé. Jennie told Rosé to help Jungkook as she had something urgent came up and she needed to leave. Rosé was just helping her friend. (Looked at Rosé) right Rosé?

He signed Rosé and she understood.

Rosé: yes. I was there to help Jungkook as Jennie asked for.
BangPD: see. If you want you can asked the doctors too. Jennie was is the one who was with Jungkook.
Reporter 3: if they're in a relationship for a long time, then why didn't they announce that earlier? And why now?
BangPD: well they kept it secret because Jennie want a normal life but they eventually going to announce it soon as they are moving in together.
Manager: yes! Even they are moving together in two days.
BangPD: I think you all got all the answers that you want. I think that's enough of the day. Thank you. (Smiled)

All the reporter were asking more questions and BangPD told the guard to handle them. He, Sejin, Jennie, Jungkook and Rosé went inside the building.

BangPD: to my office everyone.

They all went to BangPD's office. Jennie was still shocked about the incident just took a place. She was nervous and also scared. BangPD noticed that.

BangPD: don't be scared dear. Here have some water. (Smiled)

He gave Jennie water and she took it.

Jennie: thank you. (Bow)

She drunk the water.

BangPD: all the reporters left?
Manager: yes. The guards controlled everything.

Suddenly Jungkook spoke.

Jungkook: how they know about this?
Manager: we don't have any idea. We saw the news and knew something like this will definitely happened.
Jungkook: then why didn't you tell me that hyung?
BangPD: because I told him not to inform you.
Jungkook: but PDNim, why did you? And why did you lie to everyone? If they know that I am in a relationship then why didn't you told that Rosé is my girlfriend?
BangPD: because it was important. Both for your and Rosé's career. The fans won't be that much angry that you are dating a normal girl than an idol. Did you read the comments? Everybody is started hating Rosé.

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