Part 15

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Jimin bust out in tears. He was heart broken. Yes, Jimin and Rosé was in a relationship before Jungkook and Rosé started dating. Jimin was still hurt by it.

It causes a big argue between Jungkook and him. Jimin was shuttered after that. He almost quit the group but he didn't because it would affect the company and also the other group members. In the end, he decided to stay but he became a different person. He wasn't the cute, cheerful and happy Jimin people use to know. He became cold, strict and emotionless.

Namjoon knew what Jimin had been through. He knew Jimin was upset. He was afraid that past might repeat itself again. Jimin hugged his hyung tightly. He hugged back and comforted Jimin, while patting his head.

Namjoon: don't worry Jimin. It won't happened again. (Cared)
Jimin: but what if the past repeat itself hyung? (Sobbing)

Jimin broke the hug and looked at him with his red, fluffy and teary eyes.

Jimin: what if I lose Jennie this time? What if she left me too for him? I won't be alive this time hyung. I will die if she leave me too. (Sobbing)
Namjoon: you won't Jimin. You won't. Jennie will always be with you. She won't leave you.
Jimin: do something hyung please. Please hyung do something~ (cried)
Namjoon: shh~don't worry. I will. (Cared)

Namjoon hugged him again and comforted him for a while.

In the practice room

Jennie was looking at Jungkook and admiring him. She was somehow falling for him. It was quite obvious. She likes him before as a star but now as she came to know him, she starts liking him as a person.

She was Falling for him. She was starting at Jungkook and he noticed it. He asked her from far without saying a word but signed, "what happened?". Jennie smiled and shaked the head. Jungkook gave her a warm smile.

Jimin and Namjoon entered the practice room. Jennie eyes went to Jimin's hand which had banded on. She ran to him and hold his hand. Jungkook saw it and he didn't seem happy with it.

Jennie: oppa what happened to your hand? (Worried)
Jimin: it's nothing Jen. Just a small bit scratch. (Lied)
Jennie: what do you mean a small scratch? You have a whole banned on. (Worried)
Jimin: (patted Jennie's head) don't worry baby, I am fine~ (Warm smiled)

Jimin called Jennie baby which made everyone surprised. Jungkook frowned as he was mad to hear it. Jennie didn't look bother because she didn't notice it. She was worried about Jimin and was busy looking at his hand.

Jennie: no, you are not fine oppa. (Worried)
Jungkook: if he saying that he is okay, then he must be okay.  (Serious but clam)

Jennie looked at him confused. Jimin and Jungkook were glaring at each other.

Jennie: how can you say that? Can't you see how badly he got hurt? (Defensive)

Jungkook didn't like that. Jimin smirked at him. Jennie looked at him and he hide his smirk. Jungkook knew Jimin was doing this on purpose.

Jennie: oppa no more practice. You will take rest. Your health is very important. Go home (command). Sejin oppa please let Jimin oppa go home. (Like a baby)

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