Part 39

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Jungkook's POV:
I wake up in the morning as usual with emptiness. My pillow was soaking wet as I cried all night while missing her. My daily life became hell. It's like lifeless after she left. I got freshen up as I have to leave for practice. Although I don't want to. I took a bowl of cereal but I couldn't eat it. I didn't feel to eat. So I decided to leave without eating. If Jennie were here, she would have be there to feed me. We would talk and laugh. But she wasn't there. Everything was there. Her memories, her scent, her laugh, our love everything was living in every corner of the apartment. Just she wasn't there. I miss her so much. "Please come back. I promise, I'll explain you everything. Just come back Jennie.", I took a sad sigh and left.

Jungkook entered the practice room and found his members there. The members gave him a warm smile and he little smiled back.

Jin: good morning Jungkook-ah~ (cheerfully)
Jungkook: good morning hyung. (Smiled a little)
Tae: yaa Kook-ah, Jin hyung said a joke and it was really funny.
Hobi: yeah. Even Suga hyung laughed.
Suga: okay it was kinda funny.
Jin: don't lie. You were laughing so hard.

Everyone tried to cheer Jungkook up. For past few after Jennie left, they saw their beloved maknae's devastated state. His fluffy eyes, his crying face, they were seeing everything. They feel pity for him.

Jimin: Jungkookie did you have breakfast? (Care)
Jungkook: yes hyung. (Lie)
Jimin: are you sure? Because last time you told me that you ate but it's turned out you didn't.
Jungkook: no hyung I did. Don't worry.
Jimin: okay, if you say so.
Jungkook: let's start practice everyone.

Jungkook stood up and left them.

Tae: I feel so bad for him.
Namjoon: we all do Tae. But we can't do anything.
Hobi: he used to be so happy when Jennie was here. I hate to see him like this.
Jimin: we know hyung. Jin hyung, did Jisoo nonna said anything?
Jin: nope. Every time I ask her, she says she doesn't know anything.
Suga: it's been 7 months. Now we can only pray for a miracle.

Everyone slowly nodded. They actually want a miracle to happen.

It was lunch time but Jungkook was still practicing. Jimin came to check on him when he saw him lying on the floor, struggling to breathe. Jimin ran to him and without wasting time he took him to the hospital.

In the hospital

Jimin: how is he now doctor?
Doctor: he is fine now. Because of lack of food and sleep and over stress, he had breathing problems. Some people lose consciousness but he felt suffocated.
Jimin: is anything serious doctors?
Doctor: nothing is serious right now. But in future it might have, if he doesn't have proper sleep and diet. For now, I'll suggest some vitamins with his food. He will be fine. He will be discharge after an hour.
Jimin: thank you so much doctor. (Bow)

Jimin went inside the room. Jungkook just woke up.

Jungkook: hyung, why am I here?
Jimin: you were struggling to breathe and almost lose your consciousness. You lied to me, didn't you?
Jungkook: I am sorry hyung.
Jimin: kook why you are doing this? Do you know how it can be dangerous for you?
Jungkook: I can't help it hyung. I miss her a lot. Everything remains me of her. (Cried)
Jimin: I understand but you just can't risk your life like that.
Jungkook: but it was all my fault.
Jimin: stop blaming yourself. People do mistakes. And I believe if Jennie learns the truth, she will be definitely come back to you.

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