Part 3

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Jennie's POV:
After work I reached home. I opened my house door and smelled something delicious was cooking. I went to the kitchen and saw my unnie, cooking. "It smells delicious.", I said. My sister turned around and gave me a cute smile.
Me and unnie leave alone. Our parents died when I was 11 and unnie was 14. After our parents past away, our grandmother raised us. She was a wonderful woman. But she past away 2 years now. Now me and my unnie are each other's family. My unnie loves me a lot. She works very hard to pay our rent and also for my study. I also work hard to pay the debts we have. It's good that I have 60% of scholarship. Or it would be more difficult to keep up everything. But still it's not enough.

Jisoo smiled and wiped her hand with a piece of cloth. She hugged Jennie and gave her a kiss in the cheek.

Jisoo: my dumpling. How was your day?
Jennie: great. What about you?
Jisoo: great as well. Go and get fresh. Dinner is ready.

Jennie nodded and went to her room. She got freshen up and then have their dinner.

~In the morning~

Rosé's POV:
I was in the practice room, practicing for my new comeback. My choreographer and also my best friend Lisa was with me. She created new choreography, which are amazing. She is an amazing dancer. Her dance always takes everyone's heart. We were tired and took a break. "How things are going with you and Jungkook?", she asked. Yes she knows about us. "It's fine.", I replied. "What happened Rosé? You look sad.", she asked as a caring friend. I told her about last day. She was shocked. "Is he okay now?", she asked. I nodded. "Rosé to be honest, I can feel Jungkook's side too. I mean, we all know how much he loves you. Sometimes it might hurts him that you are not around.", she said. "I totally understand it Lisa but I can't do anything. My career may ruin by this and as well as Jungkook's. I love him too. I also want to be with him. He was the one who took me out of the pain of my breakup and teach me how to love again. But I can't do anything.", I said. Lisa deeply sighed. When one of the stuff came and said that the president want to meet me right now. Me and Lisa were confused. I didn't waste my time and went to him.

Rosé knocked on the door. "Come in.", someone said from the inside. Rosé entered the room.

Rosé: PDNim, you called me?
YG: yes. Take a sit.

Rosé sat and looked at her president who looked serious and worried.

Rosé: what happened PDNim? You look worried.
YG: you might not see the news yet. Here.

Rosé took the phone and her eyes were wide. She was shocked.

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