Part 25

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In the changing room

Jimin and Tzuyu entered the room.

Namjoon: ah Jimin is here~
Hoseok: where have you been?
Jimin: just in the washroom. Anyway, Namjoon hyung I am returning to Korea right after the concert. (Serious)

Everyone was little surprise.

Namjoon: is everything okay?
Jimin: yeah, actually I have something important came up.

By seeing Jimin's expression, Namjoon knew Jimin had do something important.

Namjoon: fine. Who are you leaving with?
Jimin: no one hyung.
Yoongi: what do you mean by no one? You can't go alone. Someone will go with you. (Care)
Jimin: it's fine hyung. I can go by myself.
Namjoon: Yoongi hyung is right. You can't go alone Jimin. Tzuyu will go with you.

Jimin sighed as he knew he can't argue with his hyungs.

Jimin: fine, as you say...

The concert was started. BTS were giving their best like always. Jennie, Jisoo and Tzuyu were backstage, watching their performance.

Jisoo: they are really good~ (Impressed)
Jennie: they are. They always have been. (Proud)
Tzuyu: they are the biggest idols all the world, no joke. (Praised)

They smile at each other. One of the staff called Jennie.

Jennie: unnie, what happen?

Staff lady: Jennie-sii, I have to prepare the next outfit of the performance. Can you please help Jungkook with change the outfit now? I'll get next performance outfits right way.
Jennie: sure unnie, I can help.
Staff lady: really! Thank you so much Jennie, here's the outfit he will wear now. I'll go and get the others.

Jennie: no problem unnie. (Smiled)

The staff lady smiled and left to get the dresses. BTS first performance was over. They came to backstage to change their clothes.

Jungkook: where is nonna?
Jennie: she went to get the next performance outfits. I'll help you change.
Jungkook: okay...

Jungkook took off his shirt and his sweaty upper body revealed. Jennie saw that.

(Author: I wish I could see that too 🤭🤤
Jungkook: Nonna focus~ 😒
Author: sawry~~~ 😗)

Jennie blushed but Jungkook didn't notice. His back was facing Jennie.

Jungkook: can you wipe my back?
Jennie: huh?
Jungkook: I can't reach my back, can you wipe it?
Jennie: y-yeah....

Jungkook handed the towel and Jennie shyly wipped his broad back. Damn he look sexy and hot for sure.

Jennie putted the shirt on him, Jungkook turned around and saw Jennie's red face.

Jungkook: you okay?
Jennie: yeah why?
Jungkook: your face is red. If you are uncomfortable then you don't have to do this. (Care)
Jennie: no no. I am just shy.

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