Part 8

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~Paradise apartment~

Jungkook: wait. I need to have a conversation with you. (Serious and cold)
Jennie: that's fine but can we sit first.

Jungkook frowned his brows in confusion.

Jennie: Actually my halmeoni used to say that conversation is a important thing, so we should sit down and have it nicely. (Like a cute child)

Jungkook just nodded coldly and Jennie gave a smile. They sat down on the couch far from each other.

Jungkook: shall I start?
Jennie: yeah, go ahead.
Jungkook: look we are living together. But we are strangers in this house. We will pretend that we don't each other. (Serious)
Jennie: but personally, we don't know each other. (Innocently)

Jungkook was surprised. She wasn't wrong tho. He wanted to chuckle on her innocence but control it.

Jungkook: y-yeah and we don't have to (Normally). Don't bother me in anything and also don't bother for me. You can do whatever you want. Just don't drag me in it. (Coldly)
Jennie: don't worry I don't do troubles. (Nicely)
Jungkook: good. And another thing, don't even dare to touch my things. I don't like when people touch what is mine. Understood? (Coldly)

Jennie just nodded.

Jungkook: okay. I am going to practice now. Do what you want to do. (Stood up)

Jungkook was about to leave when Jennie stood up and spoke.

Jennie: wait.
Jungkook: what? (Turned around)
Jennie: did you have breakfast? (Care)
Jungkook: yeah, why? (Lied)
Jennie: nothing. Have a great day. Bye! (Smiled and waved)

Jungkook was surprised. He turned around and chuckled then went to his practice.

Jungkook's POV:
I couldn't sleep the whole night. I was going to leave with someone who was totally stranger to me. In the morning, I woke up early, done my morning routine but didn't have my breakfast. Skipping breakfast was my regular thing. I work out a little and got ready for going to practice. When sejin hyung came and told the girl Jennie was coming. I was prepared with my words for her. I didn't want her to get in my life. When she came, she looked like she was a little girl who just entered to school for the first time. It was like her first day of school. She was adorable and cute somehow. When sejin hyung left us alone, I started talking. I wanted to clear everything to her. When I started talking to her, she was carefully listing to me like a good kid. Some of her words were too innocent. I don't know why I were rude toward her but I needed to. I didn't want to hear that I was using her and all. And also I might have shown my anger for Jimin, out on her. I know she has nothing to do with him but she was the reason. After my words, I was about to leave when she asked me if I had breakfast or not. No one ever asked me if have my meal or not. My hyungs were caring but they always thought that I have my meals as I was always with my girlfriend. After hyungs, someone have actually shown care for me. Which I felt nice somehow. She was innocent and naive. But I can't say it right away. Because I don't know her. Maybe she was just acting. I can't trust her that easily.

After Jungkook felt Jennie looked at the house. It wasn't that much clear. She went to the kitchen found all the dishes were in the cabinet in dust as if no one ever use them. Maybe even no one ever cooked here.

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