Part 13

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Jungkook's POV:
After the pizza came, I called Jennie to eat. She came and I told her to sit down. We sat on the couch. She was sitting in front of me. We started to eat pizza quietly. "I should talk to her and should apologize to her.", I thought to myself.

Jungkook: is the pizza okay?
Jennie: it's very good. (Thickly smiled)

Jungkook nodded his head slowly. He wanted to say sorry but his ego is a issue. But he had to apologize.

Jungkook: I... I am... I am sorry.
Jennie: huh?
Jungkook: I am sorry.
Jennie: for what?
Jungkook: I am sorry for the rude behavior for earlier. I was kinda hush on you from the beginning.
Jennie: it's fine. I understand, for you it's kinda difficult to live with a complete stranger. It is hard for you to trust me. So you don't need to apologize. (Smiled and nicely)

Jungkook felt ashamed. He didn't expect her to be that nice.

Jungkook: I am really sorry.
Jennie: I already told you, you don't have to apologize.
Jungkook: it's not for that.

Jennie frowned with confusion.

Jungkook: I am sorry to took your first kiss. I shouldn't have.

Jennie looked down. She felt shy. She was blushing and Jungkook saw that. Her chubby soft cheeks were red.

Jungkook: cute~ (whispered and giggled)

They finished eating and then went to sleep.

In the morning

Jimin's POV:
I woke up, got fresh and had my breakfast. I checked the news and I was shocked. Dispatch published a news about Jennie and Jungkook. It was a picture of them kissing. It boiled my blood. How can he kissed her? He always do that. He always play with other person's emotions and feelings. I shut my phone off and went to practice.

Jungkook woke up in the morning then he checked his phone and his sleepy eyes went wider.

Jungkook: not this f*ck again. I should have known, she would do this. (Brushed his hair with his fingers) F*ck!!! (Groaned)

He got off the bed, got freshen up. He went to dinning room and saw Jennie arranging the table with breakfast. She smiled and he smiled back.

Jennie: breakfast is ready. Sit. (Smiled)

He sat and Jennie served him. It was little weird for him. Because he always skip his breakfast and he always been alone. So someone there with him was a new thing for him.

Jungkook: by seeing her expression, I don't think she knew about anything yet. (Thought)

He clear his throat.

Jungkook: did you saw the news?
Jennie: what news? (Clueless)
Jungkook: actually, the picture of us kiss-kissing. It's in the news right now. (Uncomfortable)
Jennie: what? How-how? (Scared)
Jungkook: don't worry about it. It's normal. Media is like that. They do this to harass us idol.
Jennie: but if my unnie saw it, she won't like it.

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