Part 10

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Jungkook's POV:

The whole day was not good. Namjoon hyung and Jimin hyung wasn't talking to me the whole day. Jimin hyung's behavior was okay for me because I was use to his cold behaviour but Namjoon hyung's cold behaviour was hurting me. I felt bad and gulity.

After practice, I tried to talk to Joon hyung but he left earlier by saying he had something important to talk about with BangPD. Jin hyung comforted me as well as others except Jimin hyung, which was obvious.

I went to my apartment after practice. I was little hesitated to go inside. I was feeling guilty, pity and angry. Guilty because I done wrong, pity because of the girl and angry because Namjoon hyung was not talking to me.

I took a deep breath and went inside. The house was clean and tidy. I heard some noise from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and saw the girl was cooking. She didn't notice me at first. She was wearing my BT21 cooky character Pajamas with a bow hairband and bunny slippers. She was singing "Baby Shark" song with full passion and literally dancing on it like a kid. She was still childish. But looked cute tho. I wouldn't help but chuckled at her. She noticed me and filched with surprised. I stopped chuckling immediately and looked at her coldly.

"When did you came?", she asked. "Just now.", I replied. "Okay... Dinner is ready, go get fresh then we'll have dinner together.", She said with a smile. I nodded and went to my room. I freshen up and went to the dining room. Jennie already putted all the food on the table and was waiting for me. I sat down and saw the table full of food. There was rice, chicken curry, kimchi, rice cake curry and more. It was a full fest. She served me and sat in the last corner of the table.

"Why are you sitting so far?", I asked. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.", she said. I was surprised a little but didn't say anything and nodded. I looked at my plate and it was full of food. I looked at her and ask, "why you gave me that much food?". "You must be tired and also you are hungry, so I served you more. Eat well.", she said with a cute smile.

I was surprised that how she did know that I was hungry. I didn't have my breakfast as well as lunch. I didn't say anything and started to eating. Wow the food was delicious. She is a great cook. It was silence between us. She break it by saying, "umm... I want to ask you something...", Softly. "Hmm.", I responded. "Did you... Saw me singing?", she said with shyness and awkwardness. "No... I heard you singing and saw you dancing.", I replied in a sarcastic way. "Huh?", she was surprised. Her chubby cheeks turned red. I finished my food and went to my room. I heard her scolding herself while keeping her voice low. Mostly mumbling, so that I couldn't hear her. I chuckled and went to bed.

When I went to my room I called Rosé. But she didn't pick up. She cut my call. Not only one but many times. I was confused but I thought she was busy. So I putted my phone in side and feel asleep.

~in the morning~

Jungkook wake up and looked at the clock to see the time. Then he went to bathroom took a shower and got ready for the practice.

After he got ready he looked at his phone to see if Rosé called back or send a message. But he got none. When he about left he got a notification. It's a tweet from a famous kpop media. He is not into this but he saw Rosé's name on it. So checked it out.

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