Part 2

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Jungkook's POV:
I couldn't stand it anymore. I know she love me but sometimes it felt that she loves her career more than me. It's been 2 years but still she didn't get any guts to tell everyone that she is my girlfriend. I mean, I don't care what people thinks. I love her and I want to spend my whole life with her but she always pushed me away. I was so mad that I couldn't take it. My car speed was the highest speed. My mind was blocked. Because of my anger I couldn't think anything else. I was on the street when suddenly a girl came in front of my car. I honked at her but nothing used. As my car was in high speed, I would have kill the person in front of me. So I moved my car to another direction and hit with something. I couldn't remember anything after that because everything went black.

Jungkook want to save the person in front of him which was Jennie, so he changed his direction and hit with a tree not so far. He got hurt and lost his consciousness.

Jennie's POV:
I was shocked a little by the incident. I looked at the car which hit very badly. I ran to it to see the person in the was okay or not. I could see anything from the side glass because it was black. "Maybe the person in the car is very famous or something", I thought. I went to the front saw the person was was unconscious. It was a man but I could see his face. I tried to unlock the door but no use. So I have to break the door. I looked at the ground and found a medium size rock/stone. I picked it up and started to breaking the door. Fortunately I succeed to break the door. I pulled his head up and laid him on his sit. I was surprised to see the person's face. It was Jungkook. I tried to wake him up but no use. He was injured and bleeding. I looked to the street to get someone for help but the street was empty. I knew if someone comes to help but it might blow up the news as he was a super star. So I took out a mask from my bag and putted my mask on him, so no one knows who he was. Then I saw a taxi coming. I stopped it and told the taxi driver to bring me to the hospital. The driver helped me to get Jungkook in the taxi. I was sitting and Jungkook was in my lap. I must say he is very good looking in real life. If we met in another time without any incident, I might have freaked out. But now I couldn't think anything but to save him. As soon as I reached the hospital the doctor took Jungkook to the emergency. His phone was in my hand but it was locked, so I couldn't inform anyone who was closed to him. I sighed and sat one of the banch. When the nurse came.

Nurse: excuse me Ms? We need the patient's information to fill up the form, so that we can start the treatment. Who are you to the patient?
Jennie: if I say to her that I am no one to him, she will tell me to call his relatives. But his phone is lock. How can I contact them? But if the form isn't fill up, they won't treat him. (Thought)
Nurse: excuse me Ms? Ma'am? (Jennie snap out of her thought) who are you?
Jennie: I-I'm... I'm his-his girlfriend.
Nurse: oh.. Then please do all the formalities.
Jennie: Yes...

Jennie filled up all the formalities, when Jungkook's phone rang. It was written manager. Jennie picked up the call and told him about the accident. The manager told Jennie that he was coming.

Half an hour later

Jungkook's manager came but he was not alone, a woman was with him. Jennie wouldn't see her face because she was wearing mask and cap.

Manager: excuse me, are you Jennie?
Jennie: yes. That's me.
Manager: hello I am Jungkook's manager, Senjin.
Jennie: oh hello! (Bow)
Manager: hello (bow). Where is Jungkook now?
Jennie: he is in the observation. Doctor is treating him.
Manager: let's go inside then.
Jennie: is it possible?
Manager: don't worry. When I heard from you, I called the doctor. We can go inside. Come.

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