Part 41

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Jungkook's POV:
It's being one week that Jennie has returned. I am really happy to see her. She was same beautiful as she was. Or I say she got more beautiful now. Having this cute baby bump makes her looks great. I can't believe that she is here and along with her was our child. Our love was growing inside her. That's was enough to make he happy.

I wish I could be with her from the beginning. Saw our child growing little by little. I really wanted to be with her every moment of that time. But I wasn't, only because of my stupidity. I really regret what happened in the past. But I knew what I did wasn't wrong. Although I shouldn't have said those words to Jennie. I should have told her why I was doing that. I know she would understand me. But again I was stupid to react in a current way.

Now it's my time to tell her everything. All the truth. The unfolded part of my life. She has full rights to know. She has to know the untold truth.

But I don't know how it's possible. It's being a week and she didn't say a word to me. When ever I asked her anything she just ignore me or just answer to ajumma so that she could pass me that. Well I kinda got it that she is mad and needs time which I was totally okay with. I am just happy that she is with me and my baby is coming soon.

Jennie came out of her room.

Jennie: ajumma~ (called)

Jungkook was in the living room drinking his Americano.

Jungkook: ajumma is not home. She went to get groceries. Do you need something?
Jennie: no. Nothing. Just tell her to meet me when she is back. (Avoiding eye contact)

This was the first time she talked to him after a long. Jungkook was surprised but happy as well.

Jungkook: sure. I will. You go and take some rest. Ajumma will be here soon.

Jennie nodded and about to go back to her room when Jungkook spoke again.

Jungkook: Jennie?

She turned around at him.

Jungkook: I got a call from your doctor. She said you have a appointment tomorrow. If you don't mind, can I go with you?

Jennie thinks about it a second and then just nodded. Jungkook showed his bunny smile.

Jungkook: thank you. We will go at the launch time. I pick you up after my practice.

Jennie didn't say anything but went to her room. Jungkook was feeling so happy. Finally he was having a chance to win her back. It was first step of that.

Other side

Tzuyu was in the BigHit cafe waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up.

Jimin: Tzuyu??
Tzuyu: oh Jimin... (stood up)
Jimin: what are you doing here? As I know TXT is on vacation.
Tzuyu: yeah. Actually I have a manager meeting, so I had to come. And Jae coming to pick me up.

Jimin thickly smiled and nodded a little.

Jimin: Tzuyu... actually I-

Before he could complete his word Jae came. He hugged Tzuyu. Jimin didn't say anything but didn't like it.

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