Part 43

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Jennie: ah!!! (Suddenly)
Jungook: what happened? You okay? (Worried)
Jennie: Jungkook I think my water just broke.....
Jungkook: what???
Jennie: the baby is coming ~ right now!!!
Jungkook: but the doctor said the delivery is half months away.
Jennie: you idiot! my water broke, the baby is coming right now!

Jungkook became bewildered what to do. He stood up but didn't know what to do.

Jennie: Jungkook! Do something!
Jungkook: ye-yea-yeah...

At that right moment Ajumma arrived like an angle.

Ajumma: what happen?
Jungkook: aju-ajumma-Jenn-Jennie- (scared)
Ajumma: oh my goodness, Jennie started her labor pain. (Went to Jennie)
Jennie: ajumma~ (cried)
Ajumma: Jennie honey, relax. Jungkook dear, clam down. I already packed everything. Just go to the room and bring the jackets for Jennie and you and also the bags.

Jungkook nodded and went to bring the bag.

Jungkook: here's the bag and Jennie's Jacket.
Ajumma: great. Now we have to go to the hospital.
Jungkook: okay...

Both of them bring Jennie to the hospital. In the way Jungkook called Jae.

Jae: hello (in call)
Jungkook: hello Jae, Jennie have started her labor pain. (Panicked)
Jae: okay, just bring her hospital. I'll arrange everything.
Jungkook: alright. I am on my way.

He started driving and in 10 minutes, they reached the hospital.

Jae: you guys are here.
Jungkook: yes. She suddenly started the pain.
Jae: it's time. Jennie don't worry, everything will be fine.
Jennie: oppa it's so painful. (Crying)
Jae: I know. Be strong, okay? Nurse bring her to the cabin right now.

The nurse took Jennie.

Jae: Jungkook go change and get inside.
Jungkook: what?
Jae: you are the father. You have to be with Jennie.
Ajumma: dear, don't worry. Don't be scared. Jennie needs you. You have to be with her right now.
Jungkook: okay.

Jungkook quickly went to the ot and saw Jennie screaming and crying in pain.

Jungkook: you have to be strong for both of them. (Said to himself)

He went close to her and stood beside her. He held her hand and simply smiled.

Jungkook: Jennie baby, don't worry. I am here. We can do this. Together.

Jennie nodded. Doctor came.

Doctor: I know it is painful but don't be scared. Just do what I say okay? We will finish this quickly.
Jennie: (quickly nodded) ookkay ....
Jungkook: babe you can do this.
Doctor: okay. Let's start in count on three. One, two, three, push!

Jennie pushed. Again and again. Beside her Jungkook was encouraging her and supporting her. To be honest, him by her side was giving her so much strength that she needed.

Doctor: very good. You are doing great. I can see the head. Come on harder.
Jungkook: you are doing great babe. Don't lose strength. You can do this.
Jennie: I can ahhh!!!
Jungkook: very good babe.
Doctor: it's almost over. Come on one last push.
Jungkook: last push babe, our son will be here soon.

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