Part 7

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~At BigHit~

Jimin: yes you did! Do you forget what you did two years ago!!! (Loudly yelled)

Everyone became shocked and quite after that. No one ever dare to recall the incident that happened 2 years ago.
Jungkook also became quite. Jimin's eye was red. Anger and pain was seeing in his eyes. After that he left the room. And Jungkook was standing there in shock.

Jungkook: he didn't bring the past. (Weakly and hurt)
Hoseok: yaa JK, he is just angry. He didn't mean it tho. (Comforting)
Sejin: yeah Jungkook, don't worry. I'll go and check on him. (Nicely)

He signed the boys to take care of Jungkook and they nodded. Then he left to see Jimin.

Jennie and Tzuyu came out from BangPD's office with arm linking. They started talking while walking.

Tzuyu: they seem quite nice. I really didn't expect that.
Jennie: they are. (smiled)
Tzuyu: and I am proud of you. That you didn't sell your dignity.
Jennie: I'll never do that. Halmeoni and unnie never taught to be greedy and took advantage of other's weakness as a weapon.
Tzuyu: I know. You raised well. (Smiled)
Jennie: but I am little scared tho.
Tzuyu: Why?
Jennie: I am moving with Jungkook. Although I like him but I don't him personally, so it little weird for me to live with him for a good amount of time.
Tzuyu: I totally understand you. But look at the positive side, you will live with your crush. So it isn't bad. (Chuckled)
Jennie: true... (Chuckled)

They were laughing while looking at each other. When they bumped into someone. Tzuyu immediately apologized to him without looking.

Tzuyu: I am sorry. (Bow)

It was Jimin. He also didn't noticed so he looked at them. He was about to say something but he stopped when he was the girl beside the person who he bumped into.

Jennie: I am so sorry. We weren't looking. Sorry for the carelessness. (Bow)

Jimin couldn't say anything. He was just looking at Jennie. He eyes were softened. Jennie looked at Jimin and recognized him.

Jennie: oh Jimin oppa! It's you. Sorry again. (Politely)
Tzuyu: do you know him?
Jennie: yes. He is one of the group member of BTS. (Explained)
Tzuyu: oh.... (Nodded)

Jimin was quite and only looking at Jennie.

Jennie: Jimin oppa, I like your voice a lot. You are an amazing singer. (Smiled)

No respond from Jimin. He was only looking at Jennie. Tzuyu and Jennie look at each other with confusion.

Tzuyu: is he okay? why he is standing like a statue? (Whispered)
Jennie: I don't know. (Whispered)
Tzuyu: did he had a panic attack or something? I think, I should smell him my shoes. (Whispered)
Jennie: ew~ Chu Chu no... (Whispered)

Then the manager came. He didn't see the girls.

Sejin: Jimin, here you- (noticed the girls) oh Jennie, you are leaving?
Jennie: yes oppa. Actually we have to go to the work. We were leaving but by mistake we bumped into Jimin oppa.
Tzuyu: by the way, is he fine tho? He is not saying any word at all.
Sejin: actually he doesn't talk to strangers. He is like that. Don't mind him. (Nicely Smiled)
Tzuyu: oh rude... (Mumbled)
Jennie: it's fine. We understand. He doesn't know us and some people are uncomfortable with strangers. It's totally fine. (Smiled)
Sejin: yeah. Anyway, Jennie be ready tomorrow morning. I will send a car to pick you up. (Smiled)
Jennie: okay I'll be ready at time and thank you oppa. I think we take a leave now. We are getting late. Bye. (Smiled)

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