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4 years later

Jennie's POV:
I was preparing everything. It's a big day. Everything should be perfect. Decorations, dress, venue everything. After all wedding is a big thing. It doesn't come again and again. Well not in the case of everyone. Anyway, as I was checking my dress I heard a boy running and screaming my name. This little bunny doesn't stop. He needs me everytime.

I turned around and looked at him. His doe eyes melts my hearts every time.

Jennie: what is it young man?

He pouted and pointed to his tie. He is really adorable.

RoWoon: my tie is not fixed. Can you please fixed it for me mommy? (Cutely pout)

Jennie chuckled and kneeled down to match his height.

Jennie: let me fixed it. Just stay still, okay?
RoWoon: okay.

She fixed his tie and not gonna lie, he looks handsome and cute just like his father.

Jennie: let me see..... you look so handsome.

RoWoon: thank you mommy

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RoWoon: thank you mommy. I love you. (Hugged her)
Jennie: I love you too baby.

He kissed her cheek and left to play. She smiled.

She started to doing her work when again she got interrupted by someone. She turned out to look at the man in front of her.

Jennie: now what do you want?

Following the little bunny, the big bunny came too. He pouted and showed his tie.

Jungkook: can you fix my tie, please?
Jennie: seriously? You are old enough to do that.
Jungkook: you know I can't and I don't want to.
Jennie: you're such a baby. RoWoon is just like you.
Jungkook: of course he is. After all he is my son. (Proudly)
Jennie: why I have to do this?
Jungkook: because I am your husband and I have full rights to have your attention.

Yes Jennie and Jungkook are married now. After RoWoon's first birthday, they got married. So who's wedding it is? You will know soon 😉.

Jennie: yeah right. Did you check on Jimin oppa?
Jungkook: no I didn't. (Casually)
Jennie: what do you mean, you didn't? Go and check right now. (Ordered)
Jungkook: we have time for that.
Jennie: no we don't. Jimin oppa should be ready in time. It's really important.
Jungkook: he will be ready. Don't worry.
Jennie: Jungkook! (Warning tone)
Jungkook: relax, gosh. I am going... But first, kiss. (Pout lips)

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