Part 5

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Jungkook's POV:
I angrily came out of the room. How would they do this to me? I was mad, angry and frustrated. "Ugh!!!", I screamed. Then Jin hyung came and saw me in that state. "Jungguk-ah~ what happened?", he asked. I said everything to him.

As Jungkook said everything to Jin, he was shocked.

Jungkook: now tell me hyung, what can I do without being angry?
Jin: just listen to them once. What is the situation now, I think what they are doing is not totally wrong.
Jungkook: what are you saying hyung? I don't know her. Who and how she is?

Jin was about to say something when their manager came.

Manager: Jungkook PDNim is calling you, please come.
Jungkook: no, I am not coming.
Jin: hyung you go, I'll bring Jungkook.

Manager nodded then left.

Jungkook: hyung I am not going.
Jin: don't be stubborn now. Let's go and see what they want to say. (Elderly)

Jin succeeded to convince Jungkook. He agreed to go to the office and at least listen to them once. They went there and saw PDNim was waiting.

BangPD: come Jungkook. Thanks Seokjin for bringing him here... (Smiled)
Jin: it's fine PDNim.. Jungkook sit down. (Smiled)

Jungkook sat down as well as Jin.

BangPD: look Jungkook, what I am doing is the only option we have. Jennie is the only one who can save all of us. (Calmly)
Jungkook: I don't know her. What if she is the one who doing this all. What if she is dangerous? (Angrily)
BangPD: she is not guilty. She didn't do any of this. (explained)
Manager: we checked her background. She is a normal girl with a normal life. She is clean.
BangPD: see~ she is harmless...

He convinced Jungkook alot but Jungkook didn't seem agree.

Jin: Yaa JK maybe PDNim is right. Based on the situation, it's the last and best opinion we have.
BangPD: exactly! Jungkook now you are only thinking from your heart. Just think from your brain once. Your small decision can make everyone's life ruin. Fine don't think about us or yourself but at least think about Rosé once. She is hated by everyone now. (Calmly)
Rosé: kookie please~ (teary)

Jungkook became soft. He sighed and said.

Jungkook: fine... But I am doing this only for you. (To Rosé)

Rosé and BangPD smiled and sighed relieved.

BangPD: great! Sejin can you please call the other boys.
Manager: sure PDNim.

Manager went to call BTS other members. They all went to the meeting room after 5 minutes later.

Yoongi: why suddenly PDNim called us? (Confused)
Namjoon: it's must be important or otherwise he won't call us.
Jimin: I think something happened. Something big. (Serious)

Everyone got tensed. Then BangPD entered with Jin, Jungkook and Rosé. They were surprised to see Rosé inside the BigHit building.

Taehyung: PDNim, why suddenly you called us? Is something happened.
BangPD: actually something happened...

They all sat down and BangPD explain the boys everything.

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